Chapter 2: Fear and Trauma

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In the middle of the scorching hot summer noon, the mysterious man and Bulls stared at each other, confused about what was happening.

Bulls stepped forward.

"Now, my turn. Answer my question. Who are you?"

The man went up from the ground. "I am Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, Prince of Asgard." Thor proudly introduced himself.

"You're a God?"

"Yes, I am. And..." Thor froze.

Everything came back rushing into him, remembering everything...

The Realm was under attack by an unknown alien race from another galaxy. Asgard was losing the fight, the whole army was down, the citizens, everyone, including the royal family.

All that was left was Thor and his friend, Heimdall.

They ran across the rainbow bridge, away from Asgard, being chased by the vicious foes.

However, Heimdall stayed and protected the Bifrost.

"Heimdall! What are you doing?! We are almost there!"

Heimdall pulled out his sword. "Save us all, my prince!" He exclaimed.

Thor nodded. "I will!" He threw his hammer straight to the opponents.


Before he could move, Heimdall pushed him into the Bifrost and sent him away.

Thor had no idea where and what happened to everyone, to Asgard. The only thing he knew was that he was on Earth and injured, stranded in an almost isolated planet in the galaxy, on Midgard.

Bulls noticed that Thor was blanked. He is daydreaming, staring at the wide blue sky.

"Uhm, you okay, Thor?"

Thor snapped back to reality.

"I... I am." He replied. "But I need to go, I have to save those who are left behind."

"Hey! You're not going to leave without explaining what's going on!" Bulls almost exclaimed. "You almost destroyed my entire house and before I rushed back here, I am in the middle of my work."

"Mortal, you are not supposed to talk like that to a god!"

"Why should I believe you? You haven't proven anything, how should I believe you then, huh?" Bulls asked.

"I have nothing to prove on a mortal!" Thor exclaimed. "Now move out of my way or else you will be the first man I will vanquish for the first time in a hundred years!"

Thor tried to push Bulls but instead, he remained still and ignored Thor's warning.

"I am already involved in this "Godly situation" of yours. I no longer care if it was true or not because right now, all I want to know is the truth." Bulls said looking straight in his eye.

Thor was shocked, he was confused on how this human had the courage to talk to him.

"All right, mortal. Since you took me down earlier, I will tell you everything that has happened on our realm."

They sat on the bench at the balcony and Thor explained to Bulls what happened, why he end up in here, and how he fell from the sky.

Bulls could not believe Thor's story.

"So, your realm was under attack by aliens?" He asked.

"I thought you were not believing my words?" Thor sighed. "Yes, it was, but maybe they successfully conquered my homeland." He sadly replied. "My home, Asgard and my people might already fell in the hands of our captors, and I could not do anything to save them."

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