"Nah Odell should be fine he knows he was some shit, and he knows music is your escape so you should be good" she comforted but I wasn't convinced, the Odell I know was so concerned about what I said about him in a song so I didn't know if there would be a positive reaction. Then again apparently this current version is someone new someone who had been going to therapy and learning about themselves so maybe the reaction wouldn't be as bad as I was imagining.

"He'll be fine you're an artist making a song out of your experience is what you do, shit look at Taylor Swift she does that shit with every ex" Kuk says making me feel a bit better.

"Well, I see him tomorrow, so I'll let y'all know how it goes "I joked changing the subject and telling Kuk to play another song.

For the rest of the session, we went over instrumentals and tried to put lyrics to the music. It was now going on 3am and it was time to leave. Nattie and I had a flight to catch and had yet to pack for it. We were going to be flying out to Cali for my birthday, that is where I was going to spend my week and try to also get some more work done.

Once we got home and packed our things, we made our way over to my dad's place to grab Mally, he would be coming with us too only for a couple of days though we didn't want to have him miss too many days of school. He had school so Nattie would be flying back on Monday, and since it was only Wednesday, she had gotten some schoolwork from his teachers so that he would be able to do work while gone.

When we got on the plane, we all got comfortable immediately going to our own sections to lay down and sleep. I texted Odell letting him know that I would be taking off soon and would be there in a couple hours. I couldn't wait to hold Zay, my bed felt lonely without him in it. His little arms reaching out for me to make sure I was there.

After a 4-hour plane ride we were finally in Cali. It was only six in the morning here and the time difference was definitely going to mess me up for the next couple hours. Once off the plane we collected our luggage and piled into a car to Odell's place, the first stop would be to pick up Zay before heading to the hotel.

"Tyler wants to chill while I'm out here" I say looking over the text message I received "I can watch Zay if you decided to" Nattie suggested a small smile on her face as she focused on the road "I got to see when, today would be best since tomorrow Odell has God knows what planned and then I have my dinner and stuff the rest of the time"

"Naya you're here for like a week you have plenty of time" she rolled her eyes at me "are you going to invite him to the birthday dinner?" she added asking I scrunched up my face since the thought didn't even come into my head.

"No, it's barely been a week since we did a thing, I barely know the man " I watched my words since Mally was around.

"Girl you weren't worried about barely knowing him when you got stretched out so don't start now" she shrugged "Nattie!" I hit her arm looking to see it Mally was listening.

"What you know I'm not lying" st the red light she glanced back at a sleeping Mally as a way to let me know her words went unheard.

"Odell is coming to the dinner, I'm not having some guy I'm only having fun with be around the father of my child, that's weird" It would be crazy for me to sit here and invite them both, that would be me looking for tension and drama.

"Why does it matter if you don't want Odell anymore?" she questioned "Because he's still the father of my child and it's weird" I know that's not what she wanted to hear but that is what it would be. Odell was a weird subject for me, yes, my feelings were still there to some sort, but I had gotten used to ignoring it and focusing on the future.

The Perfect Ruin (OBJxSevyn)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя