Chapter Thirty-Five

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Alistair McClair

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Alistair McClair

I had to force myself to stop readjusting the flowers on the table. They'd been fixed before, but I felt like they weren't in the perfect position. Eventually, I stopped when the sound of the elevator rang, meaning Calvin had reached the top floor.

Per my request, Meredith had fixed up the roof with a table and some chairs. Our view is facing the Space Needle, an iconic symbol in Seattle.

"Alistair!" Calvin called out. I scurried to the door that leads up to the roof. I was quick to greet Calvin.

The dress code, as stated by me, was to wear whatever he wanted. He chose to wear the dark brown jacket that I had bought him a while back.

"Welcome." I said, placing my hand on his back and bringing him forward towards the table.

"I never knew you could access the roof." He said.

"I rarely come up here. But it's a great place to come up to sometimes." I replied. "Sit! Dinner will be coming soon."

I pulled out Calvin's seat and let him sit. And then I pushed in his chair like the gentleman I hoped I was.

"You said that there was something you needed to tell me." Calvin said. He grabbed a napkin from his plate and unfolded it, placing it on his lap.

"There is. It's a rather urgent matter. But first, let's have dinner." I said. I lifted up a finger, and both Meredith and Kostas, dressed as waiters, walked from behind a corner and brought our first course.

Calvin sat, slightly giggling as my two friends placed our food in front of us. Kostas was quick to return with the drinks; water for me and lemon water for Calvin.

"Hold on, is this from-"

"Blockhouse." I finished his statement. "Yeah. I got one of the chefs to make it in my kitchen so it's perfectly fresh."

Calvin blushed and placed his hand on top of mine.

"Only the best for my best." I said.

"You've gotten so much more sappy, Alistair. Sometimes, I wonder if you're the same man that first asked me out."

"Honestly, I don't think I am. But that's a change that I'll gladly accept." I replied.

Dinner went by quickly. Dessert was brought over, my pistachio ice cream and Calvin his lava cake. This time, the order was correct, and I did not make any secret tests on him.

"Dammit!" I grunted.

"Everything okay?" Calvin asked.

While we were having our dinner, clouds began to cover the sky in a blanket of dark grays. Methodical planning would have placed my proclamation of love for Calvin at the exact time the sun set on the horizon.

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