Chapter Nineteen

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Calvin Fischer

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Calvin Fischer

By the time it was time for us to sleep, Alistair and I stood at the foot of bed and just stared into the mattress.

"Wanna spoon?" I asked him eagerly.

Alistair gave me a side glance. "No. You take the left, I'll take the right side." He told me. I pouted but agreed to go to my side.

The comforter was soft and felt warm on my skin. I faced the window that looked out of the property and onto the lawn. From my spot, I was able to see a few paths illuminated by lamps. They look fun to walk on.

I didn't hear anything from Alistair. I turned my head around and saw him with his hands in a prayer. He was muttering to himself. I chose not to interrupt him. But I did admire how at peace he looks.

"Amen." He muttered. He put his hands down then turned to me. "Do you need something?" He asked me.

"No." I simply replied.

"Then goodnight." He said. He faced the opposite direction. I took a few seconds to admire his back and how sculpted it was.

"Alistair... you asleep?" I whispered. Instead of replying. I heard a small snore coming from his end. "Kay, goodnight." I whispered and turned to my direction.

I slowly shut my eyes and began to fall asleep. This would be the first time I would be sleeping in the same bed as Alistair. We've been dating for over a month, and this is our first time in bed together.

My eyes slowly opened. Because I was facing the window, the sun was shining into my face. I instinctively covered my eyes with my hands. I was also able to pick up some grunting noises. At first, my mind thought that Alistair was jerking off.

I sat up in bed. Alistair's spot was empty. The grunting sound was still going. When I looked onto the floor, I saw Alistair, shirtless, doing pushups. His back was slightly covered in sweat. A perverted part of me wanted him to say my name while he was grunting.

"Good morning!" I said, using up any remaining energy in me.

He jolted back, grabbing his shirt and covering his torso. There was a slight panicked look on his face. "Look away!" He told me.

I complied and looked away from him, facing the window. He was quick to cover himself up. Based on the few hints of his body, either from slips of his shirt or from how tightly fit they are, Alistair has a great body. So why was he scared of me seeing him?

It was actually a small conversation Evelyn and I had a while back. She mentioned that, despite how amazing he looks and how great his body seems to look, he's never had a photoshoot without a shirt. And even if he's only wearing a shirt, it's never white. Just a dark color.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, still facing away.

I could vaguely hear his feet slapping against the floor. Then the bathroom door opened and closed. I got off the bed, feeling the cold under me.

The 100th Match ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora