Chapter Five

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Calvin Fischer

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Calvin Fischer

There was the McClair Enterprises tower, the tallest building in Seattle. I stood right outside the office area and was just looking up at the looming tower. I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I needed to walk inside. I ignored the paparazzi who were taking pictures of me and entered.

As soon as I stepped inside, I unfolded my umbrella and patted my shoes on the carpet below me to get rid of any rain water.

Inside the lobby, people walked around with files or coffees in their hands. People talked in either parlay or perhaps business. But their chatter would stop when I walked past them, as each one of them stopped to look at me.

"Is that Alistair's boyfriend?" I heard a woman ask.

"Yeah, that's him." A man replied.

"He does have different colored eyes." She replied.

Ahead of me was a metal detector and security guards. I watched as an employee pulled out an ID, removed anything metal, and walked through. Stress began to fill me up, as I wondered if Alistair did in fact tell the security that I was coming.

One thing that also began to make me feel out of place was my outfit. I wore what I thought was casual, a knitted sweater and black pants. But everyone around me wore suits and skirts in monotone shades. My damn sweater was bright blue and had Nemo and Dory knitted on it!

It was my turn to pass through. I didn't have an employee badge, but luckily, one of the security guards recognized me and let me pass without needing identification. All that was left was for me to enter the elevator and go to...

Right, I have no idea which floor to go to. There were dozens of floor buttons. I randomly pressed the top floor, because I imagine that's where Alistair was. I waited for a few minutes until the doors opened.

The top floor had grand windows, with a desk in front and a door leading into, what I assume it, the penthouse. Before I could open the door, a voice called out to me.

"Alistair doesn't allow strangers into his apartment, ya'know." I turned and saw a man leaning against the front desk. Where did he come from?

"Uh, do you know where Alistair is? We're supposed to be having lunch." I told him. The guy strided over to me. He was of a muscular frame, his suit hugging tightly to his torso and legs. His skin was an amber tan. His curly black hair fell over his forehead, and his nose was slightly big, but insanely attractive. Is being attractive a requirement to work here?

"Alistair had to leave. But you can hang out with me." He said. He pulled out the receptionist's chair and sat on it the opposite way but facing me. "I'm Kostas Nicolatis, Alistair's best friend. But he won't ever admit that out loud."

"Nice to meet you, Kostas. I'm-"

"Calvin Fischer. Yeah, I know. Everyone does. It's not everyday that a multi-millionaire dates a guy who paints circles for a living." He replied with a smirk.

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