Chapter Eight

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Calvin Fischer

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Calvin Fischer

After the photoshoot was over, something felt off between Alistair and I. The two of us cuddled on a couch, wearing soft clothing and in close proximity to one another.

Then, it felt like we were on the verge of kissing. Either I'm being delusional and nothing was going to happen... Or, Alistair was going to kiss me.

The tension that I got from that, combined with Alistair still holding onto me, even after the director ended the shoot, it made me feel weird. It might stem from the fact that Alistair, in the nearly three weeks we've been dating, hasn't shown any affection.

Besides that kiss on my hand on the day we went to the aquarium, and the accidental graze of the shoulder or grabbing of hand, nothing else exists. If we weren't dating, people would've just seen us as friends. Actually, I'm sure even friends are more affectionate.

With Alistair, all I get are small slices of conversation and the occasional giving me a ride home. However, I refuse to lose hope. I have a feeling that there might be something more hiding.

It has been a week since the photoshoot. I did eventually text Alistair. He replied in his usual one worded response. We didn't talk on the phone, we didn't meet up, and we didn't even act like a couple. I still wondered if we were still dating.

That following week, I received a text from a new random number. When I called the number, the voice belonged to Meredith, Alistair's assistant. And she told me that we needed to talk about something.

I met with her at a cafe, near McClair Tower. We ordered ahead and sat across from one another.

"Why did you want to meet me?" I asked.

"Tell me, Calvin. Have you ever dated a straight man before?" Meredith asked. Welp, getting right into it.

"I did. In college. I dated a guy who was experimenting. It was an... interesting moment." I replied.

"What was that moment like?" She asked.

"It was sorta hectic. He was affectionate at some moments, but then other times, was distant. It sometimes felt like I was his hidden mistress that he didn't want to be seen with." I replied. "Plus, his emotions were out of whack. Sometimes, he struggled with the idea that he was also into guys."

"And why did you two break up?"

"It was exhausting. The mental games, the ups and downs. I knew that it wasn't a healthy environment for me."

"So, if the same thing happened to Alistair, would you leave him?" She asked.

"Huh?" I asked. "I– It's a serious question."

"We both know that at some point, Alistair will come to terms. And when that happens, you must be there to help him along the way." She said.

"Where is this coming from? What's happening with Alistair? Is he okay? Should I be worried about him?" I asked several questions.

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