Chapter Six

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Alistair McClair

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Alistair McClair

Frankly, I wasn't too keen on another date with Calvin. The first date was... fine. He was tolerable to be around. But now I have another date with him. And he's choosing the place. I just hope it isn't a museum.

Meredith, for some reason, kept insisting that I act like a gentleman. Something about needing to show Calvin that I am in this relationship and it's not one sided. I lightly agreed to her demands.

The day was Saturday, and Calvin insisted that I didn't know where the date was. He gave directions to my driver and told me that he was going to wait for me there. As I arrived, I sighed loudly when I saw we were at the aquarium. We could've gone to some botanical gardens or to the opera. Instead, I'm spending my Saturday looking at fishes.

"Alistair! Over here!" I heard Calvin yelling. I saw Calvin standing near the entrance. He was waving his hands in the air, clearly catching mine- and everyone else's- attention.

I approached him, with him having a child-like expression on his face. That's when I pinpointed that expression was called happiness. Something I'm definitely not feeling tonight.

"Ready to go in?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied. I walked ahead and walked through the automatic doors. Calvin followed close behind, guiding me to walk up to the front desk.

"Two tickets, please!" Calvin told the woman at the front. Before I could pull out my card to pay, Calvin had placed his card on the counter. "I'm paying today." He told me.

"Fine." I said. Our tickets were handed, and we made our way into the exhibit.

"Woah!" I heard Calvin say in awe. His eyes were scanning every area of the room, as different halls led into different rooms that were full of other animals. "This is amazing!"

Calvin walked up to a large glass wall that had fishes on the other side. He placed his hand on the glass and just looked up at bigger fishes swam by. I stood a few feet away, looking down at my phone.

"Take a picture!" He said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Just do it!" He said. I hesitantly agreed and used my phone to snap a few photos of a parrotfish. Calvin gave me a look. That's when I realized that he wanted me to take a picture of him.

"Done." I said. He smiled to himself.

"Your turn." He told me. I stepped back.

"I'm good."

Calvin just sighed and turned back to look at the fishes. I turned around and saw my security guard watching us. I gave him a nod, and he returned the gesture. Calvin must have spent 15 minutes, pointing at all the fishes.

At some point, a small child walked up to him and two began to point at all the fishes. The child laughed and Calvin was making him laugh. During this time, I just watched him and didn't interfere.

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