Chapter Three

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Calvin Fischer

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Calvin Fischer

"Uh, excuse me." I said to one of the waiters walking by. This was the sixth person to ignore me. Getting in was easy, since the bouncer knew my name. But now, as I stood in the lobby of the restaurant, no one was helping me out.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" A waiter said.

"Yes, I-" I replied until a man bumped me from behind. I saw a more professionally dressed man and a young woman under his arm walking past me. The waiter was talking to them, not me.

"I have a reservation under Townsend." The man said. The waiter nodded and flipped through a tablet.

"Yes, Dennis Townsend. Please come with me." The waiter walked into the main dining hall, followed by the guy and his partner. Leaving me alone.

My phone began ringing. I checked and saw it was the number that had texted me the time and place for the date.


"Where are you?" The voice I recognize as belonging to Alistair said.

"I'm in the lobby. I'm sorry, Mr. McClair. But I have no idea where to go." I replied. I thought he hung up until he sighed loudly.

"Hang tight." He replied, and abruptly hung up. I waited for a few more minutes in the lobby, until I felt someone watching me. I looked up and saw Alistair standing a few feet away from me.

I couldn't help but admire how handsome he was. His suit was perfectly fitted on it, outlining his body's upside down triangle shape. His hair was neatly styled, slightly slicked back. The five o'clock shadow on his face added a more masculine look to him.

So I happily walked over to him and stood face-to-face with him.

"Good afternoon, Mr. McClair." I said, holding out my hand.

"Good afternoon, Calvin Fischer. I hope your day has been pleasant." He replied and shook my hand. So professional. "Follow me." He said.

He guided me through the dining hall. Several guests and servers greeted Mr. McClair with respect. Some of the servers who ignored me had shocked faces as they finally recognized me as Alistair's boyfriend.

Rather than sit at one of the tables in the dining room, he went through some doors in the back and we went up some stairs. There was a second floor that I didn't know existed. Up here was also populated with other patrons. All of them looked even richer than the ones below. If you blew this place up, the GDP of Seattle would probably fall by 80%.

Still, we walked through the inside part and entered into a balcony area. A large table was set that faced over the bay. I got a beautiful view of the sunset.

Before I could pull out my seat, Alistair did it for me. He then commanded me to sit and then pushed my seat in. He returned to his side.

"I'm sorry for the delay." I said. Alistair grabbed a napkin and placed it on his lap.

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