Chapter Twelve

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Alistair McClair

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Alistair McClair

I could barely see through the rain pelting on the window of my car. But I could make out the light from the bus stop. Parking next to it, I exited my car with an umbrella over me. There was Calvin on the verge of sleeping.

"Wake up." I nudged his shoulder.

"Hmmm. No..." He groaned. I sighed, extended my hand out into the rain, and got a handful of rain water. I then threw that water at his face. "What the–"

"Get in." I told him. He was caught off guard for a moment as his face was still dripping with water. Calvin stood up and got under my umbrella. I walked him to the passenger side and made him get in quickly.

I lightly cringed, knowing that I was going to have to get the inside cleaned.

Then I got in my seat and put his address into the GPS.

"Dammit!" I said.

"Everything okay?" Calvin asked. He was reclined in his seat. But he held out his hands on the heater to warm them up.

"Calvin, the streets to your apartment are closed down due to flooding." I told him. I wasn't sure if he picked that up because of how drunk he was.

"Mm." He groaned.

There wasn't anything else I could think of. He is clearly out of it. His parents must live far away. His friend may also be drunk. With no other choice, I drove us back downtown and made my way to my building.

"You're sleeping in my apartment tonight." I told him.

"Yay." He said in a sleepy daze.

"There's a few rules you need to follow. Number one, stay in your room. Don't think about exploring any place. Number two, Don't be messy. I like to keep everything clean. Number three, my cat is above everything. So no touching, petting, playing, or even speaking to her. Got that?" I said.

He was drawing on the fog of the window.

"Jesus... I told you to watch your intake." I said. "Idiot..."

"Don't call me that. I'm really sensitive." He pouted.

"What if I didn't pick up? You would've frozen to death on the bus stop alone! All because you wanted an extra damn margarita." I said. I gripped the steering wheel tightly.

The only sound that was heard was the rain falling on the car and the wind-shield wipers as they worked to get rid of the rain.

"I'm sorry, Alistair." He muttered. "I just got carried away."

"Just don't do it next time." I assured him. I finished the ride while he got a bit of sleep. I entered the parking garage and entered my designated spot.

A security guard escorted me to the elevator. Calvin was still asleep, so I had to place his arm over my neck and drag him alongside.

I put Calvin in one of the guest rooms that is near my room. The tricky part was getting him out of his club attire and into something more comfortable. All of my clothes were too big, but I was able to find something that sort of fit.

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