Chapter Twenty-Two

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Calvin Fischer

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Calvin Fischer

As soon as we landed back in Seattle, I breathed a sigh in relief and almost jumped for joy. Here I was, back in my motherland! 

“Do you want me to take you home?” Alistair asked me.

“Please? I’m tired and just want to sleep.” I said. Alistair had a car ready for him. He put our luggage in the car and then told me to get in. 

“Your parent’s home or your condo?” Alistair asked.

“Condo– Hang on. How do you know I live in a condo?” I asked him. 

“I have many resources, Calvin.” He said. “Don’t underestimate me.”

“Okay, boss-man.” I chuckled. Alistair started the car and drove out of the tarmac and into the parking lot. From here, he left the airport and began to drive towards my home. 

As much as I wanted to fall asleep, I knew that I couldn’t in Alistair’s car. This is mainly because, after long trips, my sleep always results in me having the loudest snores. Alistair and I may have made out already by this point, but me snoring is a bit farther into a relationship.

I forced myself to stay away until he pulled up into the parking lot of my apartment complex. 

“Wow.” Alistair said.

“What?” I asked him. 

“I thought you were going to live somewhere more flashy and expensive. This is quite modest for a painter.” He said.

“I sometimes prefer basic things.” I replied. “But your apartment is nice too.”

“Well, this is where you can get out now. Make sure you shower and take a nice nap. You have work tomorrow.” Alistair told me. 

“Right.” I said. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll get my luggage myself.” I got out of the car and went to the trunk to get my bag. I packed rather light, and was able to easily hold it. But Alistair always insisted on taking my bag for me. 

As I was walking to Alistair’s window, I saw him leaning his head back on the headset. He had his eyes shut and was slowly breathing in and out. 

“Alistair.” I said. “I’m going in.”

“Alright. Text you later.” He said. I stood there for a moment. Alistair slowly leaned his head out of the car. I took this as my cue to lean down and kiss him on the lips. “I was waiting for you to do that.” He said.

“You’ll never have to wait long for me to kiss you.” I replied. I was getting ready to leave until I saw him yawn. 

Then an idea came into my head. 

“Hey, Alistair,” I leaned against his car door. “Why don’t you come inside and sleep. That way, you won’t be sluggish on the drive to your apartment and possibly get into an accident.”

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