Chapter Thirty-Four

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Alistair McClair

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Alistair McClair

Despite the current dangers that were most likely to unfold in my company soon, I still had to stick to a routine of an aligned schedule. On today's agenda, getting on a float for Seattle's Pride Parade.

"Do I look gay?" I asked Calvin.

"Definitely." Calvin replied. He fixed my rainbow tie, a gift from Meredith, and then patted any dust off my shoulders. "You look kinda nervous."

"No, not at all." I replied. Truth is, I was indeed nervous. It's one thing to say that I have a boyfriend and kiss him. Getting on a float for a Pride event just seems so... gay.

"Come on! It's time for us!" Calvin said.

We emerged out of the small compartment and entered the open area. The first sense that was heightened was sound. The sound of cheering could be heard as many voices, possibly thousands, cheered out.

Slowly, my eyes adjusted and I could see that the sidewalks were flooding with onlookers. It was waves of colors and heads that were extending upwards to get a peak. I waved to the crowd, while my other hand was on Calvin's back, bringing him closer.

"They love us." Calvin whispered in my ear.

"I think they just love you." I replied.

A piece of confetti from the float ahead of us landed on Calvin's cheek. I wiped it off and let my hand linger on his face.

"Are you going to kiss me?" He asked abruptly.

"Uh, can I?" I asked.

Calvin looked slightly offended. "Why do you ask for permission? Sometimes, it's okay to not be such a gentleman."

I leaned downwards and kissed Calvin on the cheek. He reciprocated the kiss, leaning deeper into it. The crowd cheered even louder. Despite my eyes being closed, I could feel the flashes of cameras on my eyelids.

"See, they love us!" Calvin happily said.

He's right. They do love us.

Calvin leaned forward against the railing and waved at the crowd, greeting them all like fellow friends he hadn't seen in so long. His hand waved eagerly at both sides to make sure everyone received his attention.

As for me, my attention was solely on him. No one else. He's been having all my attention for some time already.

Holy shit. I think I'm in love with Calvin Fischer.

It's the only probable cause for my recent feelings. Because ever since I've met Calvin, I truly began to understand what it's like to have something to look forward to.

When I check my phone, I always look for his texts. When I lay in bed, it's his voice that I last want to hear. When I eat lunch, I'd imagine Calvin next to me, also eating and telling me nonsense.

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