He gave a vicious, heavy kick that caught Aayla's shoulder as she rolled away. She stood and drew her lightsaber, and then Ahsoka and Anakin did so as well.

The scar across his features was bone-white and stood out, warped by the permanent half scowl, half snarl that tightened his face. He paused to leer at them momentarily, glaring at them with the hunger of a hunter. For a second he looked like a completely different person.

Then, he gave a swift, almost offhand flick of his wrist, and like a mere insect, Aayla was slammed into the nearest wall. In less than a second y/n was across the room, lunging at Anakin, who blocked his attack, but didn't move to the offensive.

He didn't have a chance to; y/n's strikes were fierce, unrelenting, and powerful. The red afterimages left Anakin half-disoriented and before he knew what was happening, he had been thrown roughly into Ahsoka.

Both of them went down and immediately y/n was attacking again. His unpredictable, ferocious attacks left scorching marks in the floor and walls. The red blades hummed ominously, a tone lower than usual, as he slashed at the Jedi's prone bodies.

Anakin rolled and tried to sweep y/n's feet, but the latter easily jumped and then sent a kick into Anakin's face. Ahsoka, still on the ground, blocked his blade with her shoto and then tried to look into his eyes.

"y/n! Stop!" she yelled at him, hoping that there would be some hint of recognition, but there was none. His eyes flickered to look into hers, but there was no lessening of the pure fury that flowed in the dark depths.

He spun his blade to sweep her blocking shoto away, and then kicked her, hard, in the ribs. In that moment, Aayla leapt at him from behind and Anakin attacked from the front. His double blades met each of theirs and then he was dodging, bobbing and weaving in between their slashes.

Ahsoka rose to join the attack, moving on autopilot. A part of her was still processing how he had suddenly turned. She didn't want to hurt him, but it was clear that the opposite was true. Her mind flashed suddenly to her possession on Mortis.

y/n turned to the offensive, flipping over their heads and slashing immediately at their backs. He was moving impossibly quickly, his footwork swift and precise, his strikes powerful and untiring.

Even against three, he was pushing them steadily back, or at least keeping them on the defensive. There was something radiating from him, unmistakable waves of intense hate and rage, but also the deeper, constant evil undercurrent of the Dark Side.

Aayla recognised with a sinking heart that this was Form VII Juyo in its pure, raw fury.

Without warning, he bowled into Anakin, sending the older Jedi tumbling backwards. Anakin's back forcefully met the thick stone edge of the sarcophagus, and he gave a loud grunt.

y/n pushed off him with a shove and turned to block Ahsoka and Aayla's blades. He found an opening and pushed forwards, delivering a series of strikes and then a Force-enhanced kick that pushed the Togruta stumbling back a few metres.

With a loud grunt, he used both hands to make a downwards motion, and the Force obeyed. A whole section of the ceiling collapsed and hurtled down onto Aayla, burying her out of sight. Anakin was charging at him, but y/n Force-pulled the Jedi Knight towards himself so that the Anakin's approach accelerated. Caught off balance, the older Jedi hurtled forward, and y/n's fist connected solidly with his stomach.

Ahsoka regained herself and their blades met again. For a second he was fighting her one on one, and again she tried to call to him. Or what he had been. y/n glared at her, never breaking eye contact as they fought. She was quickly pushed back, half of her concentration lost in her emotions.

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