Chapter 55

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Noi's POV

"Noi , please be focused , you have few days left before the tournament." 
"C-Can't I take a break , Sunny?"
I said while attempted to catch my breath. 

"We have just started , Noi. It's not even 3 hours yet."
I laid on the ground as I breath in and out. I have just learned to balance and run in those wheel contained shoes and now I was meant to be learning how  to fight while running before Sunny.

"Sunny please... Let me have a break."
"*sigh* Fine , we could take a little break." She said as she sat by my side while her serpent tail sweeping the ground , creating a layer of dust floating into the air.

"So.... What do you want to talk?"
Sunny asked as I gotten curious with the Queen's appearance. I mean , Sunny was the princess and future Queen of Medonax. She should've met the Queen before for meetings and what sorts of celebrations.

"T-The Queen?"
"Yea , I mean , she was your mom. You should've seen her facial appearance before... Sunny?"
I looked at her frown as I realised I have said something awfully wrong.

"B-Bwah! Please forgive me , I didn't mean to say something that will unexpectedly harm you-"
"No , no , it's alright Noi."
Sunny waved her hands claimed.

"It's just...I never get to see her. Lady Ari gave me blur description of the Queen's appearance. She was described as the moon itself , shining no matter how bright the stars shine ; her eyes contained the galaxy , with all truth of the universe written in her eyes ; her skin was as smooth as the river streams , sometimes steady , sometimes fierce ; "
I look at Sunny and awed upon the description of the amazing Queen.

"Sadly , " My smile froze as I noticed the sadness aura emitting from her , "That was description of 'Queen of Medonax'. What I asked for was the description of 'My Mother'."
"That was very specific from you."
"I mean , she was my mother. The one who takes care of me as I grew up along with my stupid brother. The one who mean time rule over the lands of Medonax and all creatures great and small. Guess the world recognize me as their Shining Star or Future Ruler of Medonax..."
She said as she have her chin buried under her crossed arms that was rested on her legs.

"Medonax sure depend more on titles and species huh?"
"Yea... Don't you Daemos too?"
"Well... more on titles , I would said. Funny to say , I should've be dead by this rate , but Asch spared my life and recruit me as his knight."
I said in a joking tone , which I noticed the darkness covered on Sunny's face.

"Legit seriously? You laughing when you're storying on how you are almost dead?"
"Well , what else can I say? I was quite weak back in Daemos , especially when I have lost my magic in order to get to Ear-th."
"Ear-th? What was that?"
Sunny tilted her head as I told her what I know about Ear-th. With each thing I described , I can see Sunny's eyes shined brightly.

"...And that's all I know. Though there's more that I was meant to learn and that's not even the whole world according to Ava-"
I was interrupted by a huge glow from Sunny as she smiled with her sharp snake teeth and grabbed my scarred hand , and claimed , 

"You got to take me there!"


"Take you... to Ear-th? W-Was it even legal to bring you there?! I mean , you're a princess and had royal matters in hand. Besides , I didn't even take note with every law in Medonax-"
"Screw that law book!"
She shouted in the colosseum and pick up my small and weak body easily.

"Varon can take over my place , while I headed to this fantasy world you just mentioned! Just imagine , cinnamon roll! A world for us to discover , just you and me! Don't you want that?!"
Just... me and her?
And roam around Ear-th together?

"What do you say Noi?! Ready to discover this amazing dimension you described together?!"
She said as she reached out her hand to me. I looked at her hand hesitated , as I thought if this was the best choice.

With my current rank as a weak knight , and was now called as the Great Shining Star's concubine with a title of 'Others' , what would they think of me?
The one who brainwashed the princess to runaway from her duties?
The criminal from the enemy kingdom who came to destroy the royal bloodline of this world?
Or the one who came from hell to be assigned to kill by justice?

Second person's POV

"Sunny... I-"
Noi was jump scared by Asch's sudden scream and appearance above the audience seat as he claimed to have found some discoveries and required Noi to listen as well.

Noi looked at Sunny , then turned to Asch who has this sternful expression on his face.
"S-Sorry , Sunny. I need to go."
Noi said as he glided his way out from the colosseum , leaving the princess stood alone in the middle of the arena with her reached out hand pulled back to herself.

"Oh Noi... , " She whispered , "You're just so unconfident to your relationship and believing you could never achieved the standards..."
She whispered as she felt small cyan water droplets fallen on her face. 

"Even the weather understand my sorrow..."
Sunny muttered as she fled under the roof back to her royalty matters. With someone watching all in their eyes and vanished in thick darkness.

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