Chapter 6

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Leif's POV

Ugh , can this morning be any boring? But thankfully , now there's a new human to have fun with~ I changed into my knight attire as I phased throughout the wall , leading me to Ava's base. I smirked as I stared at the closed doors of the spare chamber. I walked towards the doors in a quiet movement as I phased into her chamber.

"Woah..." I whispered as I witnessed the huge changes of the chamber. A white table with books and small sharp weapons that looked similar to Ava's. A shelve full of books and puppets. Some looked like human with weapon , some was skeleton like , just with different looks and colours.

I turned my head as I found my little human was laying on her bed , snuggling with her blanket and a black spirit puppet with horns and green witch like attire. Her facial was peaceful , gorgeous.... I walked quietly towards her as I begun to play with her soft brown hair.

"Um... Five more minutes..."
She moaned weakly before turning around , making her back faced to mine. I felt heat flushed to my face as I found her sand skin colour back revealed as her shirt was pulled up by that moving. Once again , I played with her hair.

I supposed that I startled her sweet dreams as she grunted and even worse , she stood up from the bed as she looked at me confusingly. Suddenly , she squealed as she fell off from bed with her legs on the bed.

"L-Leif! How did you...?" "Seems like you have fell for me already , princess~" She stood up from the ground as she sat back on the bed and looked at me.

She was dressed in a black large sized hoodie with the word 'KDA' written on and shorts with white thigh long stockings. "But how you come in without a sound?" She tilted her head as she questioned. I chuckled , placing my hand on my cheek. "I phased in , darling. I also don't want to disturb your cute dreams~" I teased her as I can see her red face that was soon hid away from me with her cushion.

"Let me see that cute facial expression of yours , darling~"

"Leiffff." She whined as I chuckled by her adorableness and shyness. I then proceed by climbing on her as her face remained hidden from me. "Can't blame me for being irresistible, darling~"

Ava screeched as she grabbed me by the ear and dragged me out of the place.

"AH! AH! Ava! Ava! Please!"

I begged for sparring me as Ava dropped me harshly on the ground and have her arms crossed when she dead glared at me.

"For the last time , Zinnex hated interruption and I would be lovely enough to suggest that you stay out from Zinnex before you kill her."

"Now when have I ever said that , especially to a lovely lady like her?"
"Why you snowman-!"
"Ava! Ava! I'm fine , Leif didn't do anything major to me!"

Ugh , thank god , Zinnex really saved my life. There's at least something nice about her staying.

After Ava took her leave , Zinnex rushed to me and quickly pulled me up to check if I was hurt.

"Heh , her little weak punch couldn't possibly hurt me , dearie. I was unbeatable."
"Glad to hear that."
She said with a sweet smile on her face. That I guarantee it can kill me.

Compared to before , she was now dressed in a brown long sleeved shirt with a white collared shirt under and black pants. Her hair was tied into a tall ponytail and the spirit pendant was found around her neck.

"H-Hey , human! Morning , Leif!"
"You could've call me by the name. I guarantee that I would not mind."
Zinnex greeted Noi.

"Say Leif , your face was...kind of red. Were you sick?"

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang