Chapter 45

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Noi's POV

"I can't believe this is how I have to go through my daily routine now..."
I muttered in a very weak tone as I observed the sna- I mean , Sunny , devouring the meats I specially brought from the cafeteria for us knights.

"They could've *munch* be much more cooked for love of nature."
"Then you take it oh my god! , " I screamed at the snake as she doesn't flinch by my screams , "Legit everyone was looking at me when I got the full tray of meat back to my chamber!"
Sunny looked at me with her mouth devouring another piece of meat.

"It was very common for people to glare at you. Especially when you're holding a full tray of meat."
"I was glad for the noticeable actions that drags people's attention! They're gonna talk weird twaddles behind my back now..."
I laid on the floppy bed as I was faced with the bland ceiling. 

"I mean , blame for you being a kind man to save me  , causing you needed to assist me in the daily need , preventing me from dying in speaking."
Sunny said sarcastically as she slid towards me , slapping me hard on the forehead with her tail , causing me to yelp in pain. 

"What that for?!"
"Get your butt up , we're going for training."
"Come on , I just finished an at least 3 degree long training!"
I grumbled and begged for a longer duration of rest. Sunny however , continuously slapped me by the forehead , telling me that the way to get stronger was to first sacrifice resting time.

"Now quit acting like a baby and get your butt up."
"Also get the oily tray out of my sight. it's annoying."
"Oh come on!"

"Hey Noi!"
I flinched as I turned to find Leif who's patting me by the back hard before his hand wrapped around my neck.

"H-Hey Leif. What's with the sudden calling?"
"Oh nah , just wanted to ask if you wanna ditch off for a little while , after all we legit were playing with Asch's little rescue game that might not work."
"Y- I didn't mean it but were you mad at him? After all , we did survived back on Ear-th."
I said nervously with my thumbs fiddling as I noticed his expression shifted to an enraged one.

"It's just... I hate it when he said Zinnex like that. I know , Ava was high chance in danger as well , but he could've just mind his words.... He had chance to save Ava , but Zinnex was just... out of my reach... I even hurt her when we were separated..."
Leif said as his hand run through the hair that covered up his forehead. I can tell the worried on his face , guilt was written over his face , he was sure putting all the blame of Zinnex's disappearance and damage on him.

"Back to my point there , if you're busy , I could've just excused myself and ditched off somewhere quiet and peace. Like a tree to sleep on."
"S-Sure , bye-"
Before I could wave goodbye , he phased away to somewhere , at least giving him some lonely space and silence.

"Hey , move it. You will for sure become a statue the longer you stood there."
"Yes , yes..."
I sighed by Sunny's demands as her tail slapped me harsh on the skin of my neck.

"Why... are we doing here?"
I questioned as Sunny led me to somewhere in the forest. She jumped down from my neck as she slithered away perhaps 10 feet from me before turning towards me and said , "Attack me."

I froze and questioned in a quite loud tone.
"You- What?!"
"Can't you hear me? Attack me. It's a demand."
"You're.... not going to kill me or eat my meat afterwards? Were you?"
Sunny's brown eyes glued to mine before she laughed and claiming that there's no scheme behind.

"Okay then..."
I said as I pulled out my daggers and charged towards the appearing harmless snake who's now curled up like a ball. As I was going to stab it by the skin , it somehow ran- no , rolled away , like a ball. I froze by that sudden movement of Sunny before continued charging towards the snake.

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