Chapter 1

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Leif's POV

"Ugh... This was just so bored..." I grumbled as a punch by the stomach from none other but Princess Ava herself. "Oh please , if you aren't the one who kept on entering my room without my permission , just the sake of your boredom staying indoor." She scolded me as I scoffed , refusing to pull out another boring lecture from her.

It has been suns since we arrived on Ear-th. We Daemos have been fighting over the marriage for Ava , right after we discovered her as a princess and her fathers who were ruler among the humans. The fight had eventually cast a lot of bored senses upon me.

It's much better than staying inside the base doing nothing , hearing those repeated verses from Asch and Rhys , or annoying Asch by purpose. I think I could've excluded the last fact , since I don't have anymore tricks upon my sleeves.

But can you blame me though?
The world outside of Ava's base was just amazing!
The Sun , The non-bloodshed streets , The humans who were just wondering around without seemingly to have any fear upon us and-

That human....

My teal eyes was stopped by a figure. A human...

No , not just any random human...

A interesting one....

A female...

Her brown shoulder length hair was tied into a waterfall braid with green tip while her forehead covered fringe was mostly covering her hazel colour eyes. Her eyes was clearly written with annoyance as she moved them with her hands full with books. She was dressed in a red short plaid skirt and a white long sleeved collar shirt as her top , along side with a black thigh length socks , white sneakers and a spirit necklace with a small emerald attached upon.

Her sand skin face suddenly turned , making us had a short moment of eye contact. A pink tint crawled upon her face as I felt a gush of heat came into me.

What's this feeling?

Why am I feeling like this when I looked at her?

W- "Leif! What the hell , you know you might be loss!" I gotten a bit of jump scare by Ava who approached with her finger in my face. I pushed her finger full of annoyance as I answered her that I'm in good hands. Man , she's acting such like a mom. I turned my head and found she was gone already....

What a shame.....

Zinnex's POV

"*sigh* Thank god , time flies so much faster for that boring Biology class." I muttered as I stretched my body as I walked out from the halls with the crowd of thousand. "They won't be that early to fetch me from school I suppose...." I muttered as I stood by the streets with my fingers fiddling against my skirt , and my eyes wondering around the people.

Until , there was something interesting that caught my eyes.

A man , with white messy hair , staring at me with his teal eyes. I felt chills down from my spine , but those eyes was like.... what's the word? Attractive...

He was dressed in a white under shirt and a green collared shirt , brown shorts and sandals while a shark teeth necklace was hung around his neck. The scar by his eye made him looked a lot like a killer but isn't he too gorgeous looking like a killer?

Suddenly , as my head was only filled with that stranger I caught interest upon , a hand pushed my head as I almost fell onto the ground. Thankfully , the pole next to me gave me support and help for not embarrassing me in public.

I looked up as I sighed. Of course , it's none other but the son of my adopt family , or my brother , as I denied to call him so. I mean , by his order. "Jorge , could you ever stop with your.... surprise attacks?" I asked nervously as he quickly turned his head to me by the speed of light as he then tossed his bag to me. "Shut up brat. You should be grateful that you have received attention from outsiders. And take the bag home and send a message to Mom that I won't be back for lunch." He said as he left on a car with his friends , probably to the arcade.

I sighed as I reset my position , carrying two bags with completely different weight behind my back. I secretly turned my head as I found the white haired stranger who's having a conversation with a raven haired girl which I suppose was his girlfriend or anything. I sighed for my singleness as I rushed back 'home'. While walking my way home , I eventually gotten myself into the gang who did the usual , tossing the books on the ground , kicked me by the thighs , not forgetting to smacked my head by the brick wall before leaving with my weekly pocket money.

Without shedding a tear , I stood up from the ground as I picked up my stuff from the ground , stuffed in the bag as I continued walking 'home' with the pain sprouting on my thigh ; Without giving a single glare to anyone who saw me in such a messy state , I reached 'home' and was greeted with loud screams in the face.

"Where the hell have you been?! You have been late for 5 minutes than the usual!" I looked at Mrs. Long who had her arms crossed around her corpulent body and a spatula in her hand. "The library." "It's legit the same excuse you used last week! Get you ass in your room , you won't be getting dinner tonight!"

Her screams and punishment made me sighed as I dropped Jorge's bag on the sofa , proceeded my way to my room. It's quite a norm when she punished me severely , especially when Father was out on another of his business trip. I unlocked the door to my room , which was a very , very , extreme small storage room like bedroom.

My bed with dark blue covers was stuck against the wall , with a window that led me to stairs to the balcony to the scenic views. A desk full with books for studies , a wardrobe for my limited amounts of clothes and some boxes for my collage junks. I placed my dirtied bag on the ground as I laid on my bed , pulling out my phone with several new cracks , sighing for its terrible fate.

I jumped up from bed as I made my way to the bathroom , cleanse myself up with some clean light outfits , passing by my 'family' who were enjoying dinner , sighing by my terrible fate as I shut the doors of the bathroom. The moment I took off my stockings , huge purple bruise with scars were revealed as I remained speechless by the non-stop coming bruises , thinking how long am I suppose to suffer such way.

"Brat! If it's you who's in the room , get the hell out now!" I sighed for that scream as I change into a orange sized hoodie and baggy jeans and walked out from the locked bathroom. I was then greeted with a push to the cement wall as Jorge grumbled under his breath. I sighed as I went back to my room , pulling out a mango flavoured Monster drink as I jumped out from the window to the roof of the apartment.

I leaned my arms against the railings as I took several sips of the drink in my hand while my eyes wondered around the lights in the big city. Crazy traffic , crazy crowds , crazy.... man.... My mind went complete silent as I thought of the man earlier.

'Don't know how was he alread-'





'Ah!!! What's wrong with me?! We have not spoke for a single word and I felt such concerned about him already?! What the hell!' I mentally screamed in my head as I over squeezed the can and the drink came spilling out , making my hair with a extra scent of mango.

'*sigh* Great...' I made my way back to my room where I could enjoy myself as I wiped the substance away with my towel and head to hit the sack.

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Where stories live. Discover now