Chapter 23

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Zinnex's POV

"Pardon once again?"
I looked at Ava with my tilt to the side as I hoped she repeat her sentence.

"Like I mentioned earlier , Dad was willing to invite us to the anniversary of the winning of the war back those days. It was secret , no one knows about it and he was...kinda expecting you to perform a talent on stage. For fact he seemed to remember you played the guitar."
Ava said while scratching her raven hair , being quite regret for not denying her father's request.

"How many people...will be there as you estimate?"
"50....? Counting us in with Dad and Pop..."
I widened my eyes before laid sluggishly on my bed. Early morning , Ava... Early morning.
And this is the greatest way to wake me up and ruin my day.....

"When was it?"
I jumped up from the bed and looked at her with my hazel yellow eyes widened. I grunted painfully while rubbing the side of my head. 

"Gosh.... Just give me the moment to think about it..."
After Ava left my room , I took off my black KDA hoodie before sat by the bed , having my hand wondering around my messed up morning hair.

"Lookin' nice , Phoenix~"
I flinched by Leif's voice appeared out of nowhere , realising that I was only in my shorts and bra revealed , I grabbed my pillow , eventually suffocating him with it. I felt my face blushed in embarrassment as for letting the demon who kissed me earlier the other day looking at me half naked.

"Leif! For freaking sake , get out of my room! Wait until I at least changed!"
"Hmph Hmph HMPH!"
His words were muffled as I quickly moved the pillow away his face and covered my chest with it. His white fluffy hair was clearly messed up by my pillow.

"You can at least not suffocate me , Zinnex."
"S-Sorry , are you alright?"
"I was at least expecting a caress to shut me up~"
Blushing in embarrassment , I stuttered him out of my room while I changed into a dark blue hoodie with black torn jeans.

"So , what's with the screaming earlier in your chamber?"
Leif , once again , phased in my room , giving me a fright there while I was putting on some light makeup. 
"Leif , could you...stop scaring me like that? I might have died one day if this repeats as part of my daily routine."
"But , blame your adorable antics~ But serious , your screams was echoing in my head till then."

I then told him about the fact I might be performing for the anniversary , just it's under my will whether to do it or not. By those simple sounding sentences , was filled with my anxiety and talk of stage fright , also some explanation on some words like anniversary.

"...And I was thinking not to , despite on having the ability...."
"I think you should go however."
I turned to Leif who's sat behind me on the bed , giving him a 'are you serious' face.

"I thought you have knew on how stage fright almost killed me..."
"But your sound magic was amazing , Zinnex. There's nothing bad about it."
"Nah , it was just average , compared to other greater singers out there..."
I said while hid my face underneath my fluffy blanket , not giving a care to the makeup on my face.

"Come on , Zinnex. You'll be fine. Move your gorgeous face from that blanket."
"No... No.... Zinnex was now in fluffy blanket town... Byee..."
I muttered underneath the blanket before I found myself moved somewhere. Moving the blanket off my face , I found myself moved from in between Leif's legs , to his laps with his head touched with my forehead.

"And I have you in my arms , where were you thinking on going?~"
"Fluffy Blanket Town... Let me be , I was unable to be convinced..."
"Then , was there a way to convince the sweet adorable spirit to perform her sound magic?~" 
He cooed before had his face squeezed into my neck while his hands were on my sides , tickling me hardly.

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