Chapter 5

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Zinnex's POV

"You have been warned more than Nth times , young missy!" Mrs. Long screamed into my ears as I sighed and looked to a random socket by the cement cracked wall.

For your information , I have just forgotten to pick up some salt on my way back from college. When I was hand full of bags , arms full of scars. I mean , I don't want anyone around to suspect that I was abused by my beloved adopted family and brought them into jail , been imprisoned for years , then come out for revenge after released. That cycle would've just repeated itself. How thoughtful am I , right?

But apparently , Jorge has ordered by his money provider to pack every single of my stuff in my room , cause they're going to kick me out from the house , since this wasn't the first time I forget to buy salt on my way when there was a grocery store right next to the building.

"Take it brat!" Jorge joked as he tossed boxes of my stuff into my arms and even worst , pushing me out of the opened door , making my back hit against the wall pasted with papers of advertises. "Beg us to stay! Or stay on the streets like what you were meant to be!" Jorge joked as they slammed the door shut right in my face.

I sighed as I lifted up the boxes with all my energy and walked out the building. Realising I haven't have a meal for this day , since my weekly pocket money was completely taken away from the gangsters , and I only survived the lessons with only bottles of water. After found myself a narrow quite clean alleyway , I placed down the stuff as I let myself took a break from walking stairs. As I was hoping for some peace , I felt a cold substance gliding from my back , I reached out to it as I found it's paint and even worse , it's BABY PINK!

I looked up full of rage as Jorge laughed wickedly from above and walked back in with that familiar glass in his hands. Is this how he cleansed that art glass?! I gotten so mad that I kicked the brick wall , which earned me yelping in pain. I bent down with my hands on my knee , taking deep and huge breaths , then tears slowly glided down from my eyes.

What in the world made me deserve such fate?

What have I done wrong that made me homeless?

I have done nothing but to please them like I'm.... some slave..

I don't feel like I belong anywhere....

"Need a help , Princess?"

I looked into the dark alleyway where a teal glow shined in the dark.

"It was a shame if you kept on hurting your sweet knuckles like that."

Pierce's POV

"Where Was He?! Where The Bloody Hell Was Leif?!!?" screamed Ava as she walked out from the Cray-O-La entrance and exit , with a yellow with black stripes coloured weapon in her grasp.

"Princess Ava , are you alright?"

"Yeah ,as Noi said , you have been doing nothing for the day but wondering around in our castle. What has been causing you such frustrating , Ava?" Rhys asked full of concern within his tone.

"Ugh! It's his issue with Zinnex , she came to get her necklace that she left , but LEIF! Was being a total jerk to her! He was so dead when I finally found him!"

"Speak about Leif , where was he? I have not seen him till this evening."

"I thought he was in his chamber , but turns out he wasn't since there's no respond." Rhys answered Asch while I remained seated as some scenes flashed in my head....


I was seated on the chair , with my eyes shut as soon as I heard some footsteps passed by me. Not just any footsteps , that kind of footsteps that was extreme creepy , suspicious and soft.

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