Chapter 20

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Zinnex's POV

"Nyaaa! This was getting onto MY nerves , Rhys!"
I objected to him while my hand simply went over my brown short hair while Rhys was wondering around with my plushies and books.

"Geez , calm down , does that got into your nerves so much?!"
"You don't know anything about being a sick cat. Do you know how much sensitive can cats be? Do you know how much catnip can drugged a cat? Or perhaps , do you know how much they're eager to give affection to someone?! You should've just look at my face when I stared at Leif!"
Rhys suddenly turned to me with a shocking face.

"Wait , did you said.... eager to give affection?... Like courting?..."
"And you mentioned... Leif...?"
"I don't get what's the issue-"
Hold it...

"Nyaaa! I can't handle this anymore , Rhys!"
I yelled at Rhys with my hand scratching my cat ears through the beanie. WHY the hell are they suddenly so freaking itchy now?!

"It wouldn't last long , get it over. Besides , I don't find it as pain as it seemed."
Get in my god damn shoes and feel the pain!
I was here suffering while he legit had his hands wondered around my college textbooks! All I can was suffering while waiting time to fly! I walked to my bed , pressing my face into the pillow , before screaming in pain.

"Rhys! You better get out of that-"
I jumped as Leif just busted in the room , legit exposed the fact he was sneakily listening to our conversation... DOES THAT MEAN HE OVERHEARD THAT I WANTED TO GIVE HIM AFFECTION?!??! Now this was truly embarrassment....

"What were you doing outside by the door , Leif?"
"Like I was going to ask you the same thing , what were YOU doing in Zinnex's chamber?"
As I felt tension rose in my room , I quickly pushed Rhys out of the room and letting Leif stayed as I sighed.

"He didn't do anything major to you , did he?"
Leif asked as he rubbed his thumb on my face as I simply smiled and shook as respond.
"Thanks for the concern but I'm-"
I hold off before an energy emerged from my body...

Leif's POV

"Zinnex... Are you sincerely fine?"
I asked as she suddenly remained silent. I lifted her chin to my eye level , as I looked at her dilated pupils before she suddenly pushed me to the bed and begun to run around her chamber. I only observed her sudden weird behavior while the things on her table were knocked off.

After some seconds of running , she walked to me , sitting between the space of my crossed legs on the bed , with her face soon rubbing under my chin while purring softly.... I covered up my face , trying not to react too much as possible. She looked at me with a sweet smile before pulling my hand from my mouth , staring at my finger , before pulling it to her mouth and licked my cold sweats.

"Z-Zinnex , are you alright?"
She played my hand by drawing softly on my palm while her head was leaned on my shoulder while her tongue licked my neck , making me hitched and eventually pushed her away by her odd behavior.

"Zinnex! Seriously! What gotten into you?!"
Her pupils suddenly snapped back to normal shape as she walked to the wall , before smashing her forehead by the wall , muttering about something in fact.

"Oh my god.... I-I'm so sorry , Leif. I don't know what's gotten into me eventually..."
I smirked by her now shy behavior compared to earlier , while walking to her , whispering into her ears.

"I was actually surprise... When you acted so...dominant~ I always thought you're a bottom and submissive~"
"What?! Hold on! What- Ugh..."
I laughed , watching she hid her face under her knitted hat as she pulled.

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