Chapter 52

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Pierce's POV

"So... let me get this straight. Under the Queen's demand , Noi was dragged into a roller-blade competition?"
Leif claimed as Sunny claimed it to be so and sighed after the following sentence.

"What was even this competition about?"
"The casual roller skating... just... with a twist..."
"W-What twist?"
Noi asked nervously as he was the one competing. 

"...You have to fight while skating to the finish line..."
"Like... both at once?"
"Well , there was a reason Mother won't let me join , claiming 'i might get myself hurt' and stuff. But if it's daily training , I can easily win Varon."
Sunny smirked as I noticed Noi's eyes shined brighter than that set of eyes when he was amazed by stuff on Ear-th. Truly , by the sound of what Sunny achieved , it was indeed amazing , especially to a girl like her.

"What's even a roller-blade..?"
"You guys don't have roller blades in Daemos?!"
Sunny questioned in pure shockness. Rhys claimed that he thought Sunny was self aware with the condition of our nation. Sunny sighed and said , "I didn't expect to be this broken and pitiful..."

"I would like you to mind your words on the nation I'm ruling over."
Asch said with his arms crossed as Sunny claimed to be speaking the truth. If it was me , even being loyal to Daemos and Asch , I would simply agree with what Sunny said.

By what I observed , compared to what the other Daemos described and rumoured Medonax to be , Medonax lived in a much more comfortable and warm environment , totally not the whole 'people there slept in the streets with skulls of their nemesis as pillows' ,  compared to us Daemos who some live in slums if truly broke and don't have a position in the social pyramid. Guess it's what the rumours brought up the 'Cruel , heartless and blood lust Medonax'.

"Anyways , what's us with the people of Medonax? I could tell by the glares , did we do anything wrong to them?"
"Heh , probably killing their loyal knights-"
"I hope you're aware that the kills of Medonax compared to Daemos's was 4 times the number."
Rhys shoved a lame face as Leif froze in shock.

Sunny sighed upon the news , yet before saying anything , we were interrupted by none other but Lady Ari who slithered towards us. Sunny immediately greeted her with quick curtsy which only ended up with a harsh knock on the girl's head.
"Young lady! Didn't I tell you to mind those manners of yours during young aged?! Would you like to have a quick recap upon your gestures?! Not to mention bringing back yourself a husband already!"
Lady Ari shouted before coughing with her staff hitting on the carpet covered ground.

"Ugh... You are about to be next in line... Imagine if your brother took over... It wouldn't be nice. And do tell them the whole system , before anything bad happened to these boys."
"I'm aware with what I am doing , Lady Ari. And of course , I'll give them a quick brief."
Sunny said as Lady Ari sighed and turned her body walking off. She did stop and look at me with weird eyes though.... and... winked at me...

"Is Pierce alright?"
"Man being traumatized awfully by old ladies , thanks to his calm demeanor and charm."
Leif said jokingly as I have been pinching the bridge of my nose. Why did I ever got dragged into weird relationships... , especially related to old ladies...?

"Now , shall we head to my room now? For the quick brief I was meant to be telling for you guys to survive in this world?"
As Sunny said so , Asch begun to laugh as he claimed that we have survived on Ear-th for such a long duration and we're still alive till this day. Hence , he claimed that there's no way we would not stand a chance of survival in this place.

By this statement , Sunny begun to laugh as Noi questioned if she was alright. She wiped the tears formed by the corner of her eye as she claimed , 
"Then I believe you're too naive."
"Excuse me? I have survived on Ear-th with a powerful princess and sorceress with her spirit at least months. Not like I can't handle some little royal duties of yours."
"Who said royal duties?"
Before Asch could say anything , Sunny's snake tail quickly flew across Asch's face , sending surprises and panics to Prince Asch. 

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