Chapter 19

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Rhys's POV

"Are you sure , Zinnex? Thought you suppose to save more of your strength and heal up instead."
"Nah , he'll let it slide. Besides , it's still early in the morning. What he doesn't know would not possibly hurt him!~"
She spoke in joy in her tone as she pulled up another box of books from the ground , assisting me to arrange them on the shelves. By the fact the library I established with magic was covered with not perfectly arranged books , I was actually thinking of cleaning it up for the entire day but Zinnex who appeared to be messed around by her boredom , decided to lend me a hand while waiting for Leif.

By fact the Hamato brothers insisting on Zinnex to rest , even though she can now walk on foot without her metal branches as support , yet it was Ava who insist. It appears she was willing to avoid any trouble from the Hamato brothers. Yet , once again , it was Zinnex's option to help me out , so... I would possibly get out of trouble?.... Plus , I can't believe she would still offer us Daemos help , after last sun's incident....

"Say you Daemos sure got a lot of books related to magic , believing that you guys used magic for a source of life?"
I flinched by her words as she was such close to the exact truth of what we're here for.

"I mean , just look at these boxes and piles of magic spells! Sure you guys were experts in magic! Perhaps you guys even work as magicians in your world!.... Rhys? Are you alright , bud?"
As I snapped out of my thoughts , Zinnex was already standing in front of me with her hand touching my cheek. Her eyes were written with concern.

"Yeah.. Yeah I'm alright. Just perhaps a bit tired..."
"Why don't I get something in the fridge for you? Would ice-cream do the trick?"
I nodded with small hint of happiness before she rushed of to the base. I sighed before leaned my back against the shelves.

Thank god , she didn't notice.... If she does... I- No , WE would be doomed. If she knew about the truth , the truth will be sent to Ava's ears... who knows if she actually believed us and then sent us to Area 51.... Perhaps I should sealed my mouth shut even more for now , I must warn the others- Wait what was that!?

I stood up from my ground as I was startled by the sounds of cracked beakers , now I have actually remembered by fact I placed the potions by the edge and if they're by the edge... That means it could possibly fell onto the ground any time now!

"Argh , what a mess here!"
I muttered under my breath before using my magic to cleanse the potion stained ground. 
Knowing potion cleaning would take forever , I sighed as I muttered.
"Ugh , really could used for some ice cream now- Huh?"
I noticed a white bowl with a silver utensil as I noticed , it was a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Right on time to calm my nerves down...

While eating it , I have the snap of thought....
Why would this bowl of ice cream be here?
Why was the potions suddenly dropped onto the ground?
What took Zinnex so long- WAIT A MINUTE-!

If Zinnex came in with the ice cream , then placed on the table , by the mean time as the potions fell off the table , splashed on her-

This is- This is bad news...

"Zinnex? Are you here?"
It seemed stupid to talk within mid air , yet I need to do so. I have certainly no clue on what were those potions either. They weren't labelled...

I jumped by the soft voice yet curios by the source of it.

"W-Where are you?"
"I-I'm under the table. But , I don't really want you to see me now..."
I turned my head to find a pair of hazel eyes glowing under the table , I bent down to her eye level , only made her moved backwards in fear.

"It's alright , perhaps I could help you to undo the effects of the potion."
"Rea- You can?!"
"Just , come out please?"
Her eyes seemed hesitate as her dark gold pupils looked away from me until she sighed and crawled out from the table....

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