Chapter 53

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Noi's POV

"Well being honest here saying it , you guys were categorized under that."
I turned to Sunny in shock by her reply. Asch even immediately attempted to strangle my- I mean , Sunny , with his glowing palms. Thank god Sunny had her tail pushing Asch away from killing her.

"Prince Asch , please stay calm upon this reality..."
"How am I meant to?! When I was told being the lowest and weakest upon all the ranks in this nation?! I was a prince for god sake!"
Asch shouted in Rhys's face as Rhys simply just squirted his eyes upon the loud screaming.

"I mean , you are indeed a prince. So... I think at least the treatment was different?"
Rhys looked at Sunny who seemed to be thinking about that question. Hope she gave out something that won't made Asch explode her chamber-

"Nope , all that belonged to the 'Other category part' will be just treated equally. No matter what status are you. We specifically focus on the gender , but species was indeed another thing since different kinds have different needs."
Sunny smiled as Asch immediately have a explosion of his emotions , saying wanting to burn Sunny's throat into crisp. Instantly , I hugged Sunny by the waist , as in a protective manner. Sunny laughed at my actions and patted me by the hair as she claimed , "There's no solution upon your current treatment if it's not of the tale told for ages..."

"Yes... I do took notice of the constant mention of this 'Tale' told by the Queen. What would it be about brought us to our current downfall?"
"Well... It was more like a bed time story but it suddenly became a serious matter to be reflected and thought of..."
Asch shouted to shut the princess up , insisting her on telling this 'tale' that made us receive such awful treatment.

"Well...It started like this... ,"

Long ago , before birth of darkness , a snake goddess wandered off to the surface to discover the amaziness of the world rather than her little Eden Garden. Despite her father's words , she had roam in the light for days , until she met a man who helped her when she was squashed by a branch and injured severely.

In return of the man's kind gestures , she become devote to him , giving everything she had to the man , even her heart. She fallen hard for him , she was in love with him.

One day , the man asked her to give some of her scales since snake scales have the ability of healing. Being devoted to him , she held the pain , and gave her pearl white scales. These days , repeated and repeated , the man became violent and abusive to her , beating her up.

She finally rejected him upon the giving of her scales that once almost caused her death. The man was enraged and brainwashed the entire village of the girl being a demon that come to kill them all. This brought to a riot that begun the hunt of the snake. After she was captured , she was trapped under a tower by magic.

Her eyes was filled with rage as she dug down deep into the bottoms of the tower. She dug and dug until she found herself in a open land with only fresh green foliage. Upon the pain , she sobbed and tears fallen on the ground as white flowers grew from the ground. The buds opened as small snakes like her slitter towards her , calling her Mother. 

She knew there , she had a colony to protect , children to protect , from the demon at the surface...

"And.. that's the whole story..."
Sunny said as silence filled the room.

"Wow that's..."
"Utterly ridiculous."
Asch continued Rhys's sentence with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Legit , all this treatment to us Daemos , and the attacking and damage to our nation , all because of a mere tale who some random Medonax parent created. Geez , grow up already."
Asch said with a scoff while Rhys who sat beside him to mind his words , after all , we're nice and shown enough mercy to be brought under the wings of Sunny.

"Well , it was written and found in each and every corner of the house of Medonax. Not like I can burn down that one certain book. Rule 20 , one must not burn books whether nice or bad as knowledge was the most prized object found in life."
Sunny claimed as Leif asked on how we're categorized under the category of others.

"Well , other hybrids were the ones with complete form of animals. Like goat with its horns and tail. But for you guys , you only have horns , you guys don't have any goat tail , Minotaur features etc etc. And hence ,  you're in the 'Others' category."
"Well , if we just disguise yourselves , then would we be categorized in the 'Other hybrid' section then?"
Sunny shook her head and claimed that it would be obvious and since snakes have strong sense of smell upon a person. The sense was up to level that they can smelled a person with layers , knowing everything you ate , things you've touched. If it's the royals , they can smell the scent of lies , but it was depended.

"Man , ain't that a bit of a invading privacy?"
"Well , we snakes can't help it. Blame that our sense of direction sucks."
"But by what I see , you and Prince Varon don't seemed to have bad sense of direction."
"It's only because we're snake hybrids. Human and snake as a combination."
Sunny explained as I dragged them all back to our main point.

"Hold on a second! Back to the main talk , is there any rule I must obey for the game?"
Sunny smiled saying so.

"No? Then it should be a easy game."
"All he had to do was to skate 3 laps while attacking other hybrids. Simple as that!"
I have to do what?!

"Let me guess ," Sunny looked at me with a tilted head ,"You Daemos never learned to skate and fight , both at the same time before?"
"We walk and run but we don't fight while skating!"
Asch debated with Sunny as the princess simply sighed , claiming that the training would be tomorrow first thing in the morning. She soon escorted the others out from the room as it was already late and she'll insist on letting the servant to lead them to the royal guest room , upon her command. 

Sure they don't want to find themselves dead half way of their life.

Second person's POV

Yet , as Noi was about to excuse from her chamber , something pulled the poor orange haired demon inwards the room and closed the doors shut. 
"Hey! I was not out yet!"
"You're staying here with me , salmon."
He looked at Sunny who walked to her desk with a candle as the dark purple star night was showed outside of the room through the window.

"What you mean... staying in your chamber? But this is the chamber for royals. For you specially! What if people sees me in your room? What would they say?!"
Noi panicked over the fact being in a girl's room , not to mention the chamber of a princess.

"Well ," She skipped her way to Noi and as she tilted her head , with a face of innocent , "I marked you. Hence it make sense if we're going to share the same bed?"
Noi then grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her , with his eyes moved to the carpeted ground as he spoke with a quivering voice.

"Are you sure this is your common sense?"
"Well it was based on the great Law of Medonax hence-"
"Laws doesn't mean logic!"
"Well it fits the way of my brain spin hence."
"Well not for my thoughts of logical!"
Noi argued as Sunny's giggles echoed in the silent room and Noi's ear.

"But you missed a point ," Before Noi could wonder , his collar was pulled forward as he was pinned on the fluffy bed with his face blushed red , 

"I was in charge in this relationship~"

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