Chapter 16

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Donatello's POV

"Thank god.. She was alright..."
Utonium said while he leaned his back against the chair but eventually fell onto the ground as usual for his clumsiness.

"Pardon to ask , what exact made her such? I mean , if it was Spike-"
"Shut the hell up! Can't you see Spike was non-stop whimpering by that corner?! Ever since Zinnex left us , she was in nothing but trouble! I say we put the blame on that stupid harem of Ava!"
I sighed by another of my brother's tantrums as I turned to Spike who was whimpering by that dark corner. Not to mention , he was Zinnex's present to Raphael when it was just a pup. They quite have a strong bond between each other , obviously Spike will be depressed by her actions.

"Raphael Hamato! This is MY office you shouting in! Please do behave!"
Raph scoffed before hardly sat on the green arm chair. It was not every day you just get scolded by great-tempered Doctor Utonium.

"AS I was saying ," He said while passing over a set of papers to me, "Zinnex's mental health test seemed normal enough , yet something was off... She managed to answer all questions , but all handwriting of hers was not as neat as the first several questions."

I studied the questions , sections and of course , Zin's gorgeous hard writing. She had legit the best hand writing among every one of Hamatos , Father even praised her and wanted us to follow. While studying those answers , I met with some.... messy hand writing.... They seemed to be written down when her hand was shimmering , it was clear to tell something was off.

"As you can tell , Donatello , your sister's mind was certainly unstable. Those questions , specific related to her incident , has her hand writing and this question was where she begun to fear of."
I flipped to the next page as Doc said , found a small spot of blood on the paper , possibly from her wound.... The question was....

How much you rate your life , from 1 to 10?

"It was obvious that she was confused , making her thought of her life. Believing by her state and everything she been through , you can tell one thing we have be aware was , her past life. You boys need to try not to traumatize her , especially with her worst memories. Of course , your pup here , was innocent , it must be something that awaken her mind... C'mere , Spike."
Spike walked towards Utonium before its head was laid lazily on his laps.

"Ah , what do we have here...."
Doc said as he pulled out Spike's collar. 

"Spike's dog collar? I don't see the issue with it?"
"Oh that's right! That collar similar to Dudette's! I saw the similar one when Raph was face-timing Doctor Utonium! Eh- I mean-"
That explains it... She must saw the collar , which reminded her of the electric collar.... which was part of the fright....

"I will take it for now , Doc , I understand what you meant ," I said while take the collar from Doc and hid in my pocket , before turning to my brothers , "Raph , next time , it's either Spike without a collar or Spike in the house if we're meeting Zinnex." 
"What?! Why even-?!"
"If you don't want her happened like just now , pain and helpless , follow as I said , the collar was part of her fear. So is syringes , yelling and hitting. Do I have a point here , Doc?"
Utonium just smiled and nod his head.

"So... Dudette will be fine... if we just not touch the line?"
"Yes , and Spike now can meet her , let's go."
I said while walking out of office with Spike by my side.

"Ah... Donnie... Boys... Sorry for the sudden scare..."
Zinnex apologized for the moment when we entered the room. She was filled with guilt in her voice.

"Go on boy , you'll be fine , it was her."
Spike walked to her nervously , sniffing her reached out hand and Then Bite It Harsh FOR NO REASON! Zinnex grunted in pain yet she raised her hand as she insist us to stop him. After a while , he licked her bleeding hand then snuggled into her arms as he jumped from the chair to the bed.

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ