Chapter 3

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Ava's POV

"Princess Ava , the human had woken up."

Rhys busted in , interrupting our talk , but I should be grateful about it anyways.

I stood up from the window seat as I proceed my way to the spare guest room , found her sitting upright on the bed. She turned to me , with a face of curiosity.

"Em.... thanks for...saving me? You don't have to honestly."

I puffed my cheeks as I sat on the bed , next to her , staring into her eyes , full of determination , saying "I can't stand there and do nothing!" "I get used with it eventually. Not an issue , Ma'am."

She doesn't remember me....

But I shall understand that , since so many things happened upon her...

"Fine then..."

Suddenly , her face was written with panic as she grabbed the phone by the side table , checking the time , mumbling about something...

She jumped up from the bed , as she grabbed the bag on the ground as she rushed out from my apartment. I haven't even had a 5 minute conversation with her... after years....

"Do you know her , Princess Ava?" Noi asked as I responded with a nod while walked to the window as I looked her figure rushing towards a certain direction.

I sighed as I mumbled "Still like those days huh?..."

"You seem to know her for a very long time , Princess Ava."

"Nah , just...," I responded as I counted the years with my fingers , "9 years? Since we last met?"

"Mind if you give us a quick rewind of her tale?" I turned to Rhys , as he then quickly regret by such suggestion. "I-I mean you can , if you want to.." "Sure." I responded bluntly as I walked out from the room , seated in the living room , giving the Daemos a quick story time.

"Well... Where do I have to start this... Possibly the day she gotten framed.... or... purposely... I was a bullied role back in high school. And was threatened not to report to the staff , or they will 'not let me survive'."

"Why don't you use your magic then?" "Apparently , I...want to hide my magic , just in case draw attention from other powerful ones." I threw out a quick excuse to Rhys as I continued.

"But , Zinnex seemed to tell the staff about the bully cases of me and the bullies turned their attention to her. Leaving me in peace. But she was bullied.... bleed and even worst was she was once sent to the hospital due to a broken rib." I muttered as I gripped my socks tightly , then was patted by Pierce from the back.

"I mean , she legit helped me , by telling the truth and was bullied for revenge. How can I....," I muttered as I wiped away my tears , "She was an orphan , she was abused by her adoptive family with large amounts of chores. Yet , she remained as the smartest in school , left before Grade 6.....for some reason..."

As I spoke , it had eventually grew weird to me.

Where has she been? Within that 9 years?....

"This human sounds like a very helpless one... We could perhaps..." "Hey , Hey! Not on my watch! She was my saviour , get your hands away from her , Asch!" I yelled at him as Asch put his hands in the air as surrender.

"She was a positive being , I couldn't see any sadness beneath her eyes."

"Her tears and pain was hid beneath her mask. That's the point of the mask. She doesn't want negative emotions among her close ones."

Leif's POV

Zinnex huh?....

This human was rather interesting than human Ava.

Her smiles especially , those charming , gorgeous curves , they're actually a force of her body. Just not let her close one to be harmed by her own emotions....

I sighed as I sat where she laid earlier and felt a hard object under the blanket. I pulled the blanket away as it revealed the spirit pendant necklace she wore when we first met. Seems like she left it in that rush.

"What you got there , Leif?" Pierce suddenly asked as I quickly hid the pendant into my pocket before he even noticed. "N-Nothing!" "Then why were you stuttering?" "Meh , it's nothing. Just imagine if someone just bust into a random room without a single damn warning." I grumbled as I phased back into the castle to my chamber.

I laid on my bed lazily as I pulled the pendant from my pocket and smiled , 'I think I will keep this for me , just a short while...'

Zinnex's POV

Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god! I actually met him! Once more! I almost can't control my excitement!

I thought excitedly as I rolled around my bed.

'Say... Where have I seen that girl before.... She seems extreme familiar though....' I thought as I determined to look around my photos , believing there might be some clues. Like what I expected , I found one of my old class photos with the girl and me standing in the same row.

'So.... it's her...' I smiled as memories flooded back into my head. That good old days when I gotten into a volunteered bully phase , until this day , they haven't get it over.... 'Just hope you can see how brave am I , mother , father..' I thought as I placed my hand on my-

Wait- I looked down and was then panicking by the second.

It's gone!

Where was it?!

I immediately searched up in my backpack and room until it was a completely mess. I then collapsed onto the ground as I realised the one and only place it could be.

Ava's apartment

'That means I had to go back there. That means I gotta be awkward with Ava and her male roommates. That means..,' The moment I realised the real issue , I jumped to my bed , grabbed my 'emotional life support' pillow , screamed into it , as it made my voice muffled a lot more.

Oh hell....

I gotta meet him again....

Should this be a concerned issue?....

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon