Chapter 10

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Zinnex's POV

"Pardon what , Ava?"
"Yeah , I have decided to made you and Pierce go on a quick date! Isn't it great?!"
I froze by her energetic voice.

I mean , why would she even tried to set me up with Pierce? I would rather let her set me up with Leif- Eh , what am I even thinking about?! Stupid Zinnex! He wouldn't possibly like me! I'm like a shy , dumb girl who was just being bullied and being weak... With him being flirtatious , was just like what Ava said , it was his nature.....

I mean , I do adore Leif's confidence , and how he was determined in his work. Yet compared to me , I would be a burden to him... But think of the bright side , Pierce was a kind Daemos being , he did healed me and comforted me. But , it was his silence being the the issue. Perhaps , I can open up to him , knowing more about their origins.

"Sure , it would be fine , as long it was fine with him."

It couldn't go any bad , would it?

"Great! Then the date was today! Head over for a change of your outfit please!"
"Wait what-?!"

Pierce's POV

"Beg the hell of your pardon?!"
The Daemos yelled in my face as I moved backwards a bit.

"What do you mean , Ava was letting you and human Zinnex go on a date?"
Asch asked with his curled up fist held under his cheeks and elbow rested by the arm of his throne.

"She just informed me earlier , even human Zinnex thought it was fine."
"Princess Ava allowed you to court human Zinnex?! That's great news , Pierce!"
Noi was seemingly the only one who cheered and congrats me.

"Yeah , apparently it was. It was nice on how Princess Ava just shoved Zinnex into a date..."
I looked at Leif who seemed to be frustrated by what he knew by now and kept on showing a face full of emotions.

"Don't be such stubborn , Leif. Zinnex was indeed a amazing person! Just thought back of yesterday's incident! She jumped from roof to roof!"
"Speak about that , I was still impressed by that... And she also seemed to have flexible body to jump around , chasing a criminal... Perhaps you can ask her about it and give us an answer about it."
Rhys analysed to me as I simply nod my head and dismissed myself as Ava did mentioned that the date was today. 

"Princess Ava , I'm re-"
I was stunned for the moment I stepped out of the castle and was faced-to-faced with the one I was going to date.

Was she...Zinnex?
"H-Hey , Pierce..."

She was dressed in a black sleeveless tight crop top with a dark green calf length skirt and black heels. Her hair was neatly tied into a pigtail as her eyes has some glitter makeup drawn upon and her spirit pendant was found around her neck as usual. She looked at me nervously before turned away with her hand fiddling the right clump of her hair , asking if she dressed too formal.

"Nah , you'll be fine , Zinnex! ," Ava suddenly appeared out of nowhere , making Zinnex jumped , "Pierce will looked after you with good hands! Leave the house to me , we'll be fine! Just focus on your first date!"
It's her first?
I looked at her who was shyly playing with her hair , patting her head softly , saying "It's gonna be alright" , only those words with ease calmed her down eventually.

"You looked amazing , Zinnex!"
Once , she jumped by Noi's overly enthusiastic voice and turned to Noi while Leif followed behind.
"T-Thanks but credits to Ava anyways! She was the one who helped with the dress."
"Aww , don't need to be such a shy girl , it's you who dressed it perfect~"
Ava said while Zinnex looked down , hiding her red face.

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