Chapter 12

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Happy April Fools BTW 
Have ya fool someone?
Sure , my mom told me the water supply of my house was cut off , sure it was a joke-
I mean , it's April Fool's Bruh
She was sure just messing around with me-

Ava's POV

"Where's Zinnex?"
I asked the Daemos who seemed to be in a meeting in the castle.

"Thought she was hanging out with Leif yesterday?"
"I don't think so , as Leif returned back to his chamber the entire day."
I turned to Leif who seemed shocked when he saw my face.

"What did you do now?!"
"I didn't do anything , she just headed out to hang with the human clones , she mentioned she will be back , yet she doesn't."
I gritted my teeth when he showed me that face like he doesn't care of Zinnex.

"Plus , I have not seen her this morning as my day was started with a meeti-"
"Shut the hell up you!"
I snapped before slapped Leif in the face.

"Prisoner! That's not how you treat my knights! Know your place!"
"Yeah?! I'm the greatest sorceress , princess of humans! And you should know more of your place! I was just worried of my friend!"
"Take her out of this place , Pierce."

What?! So , you're just gonna dump me and ignore your other human friend?!
How great of a side of your royalty face , your majesty!

"Princess Ava , I know you're worried of Zinnex , yet you must stay calm for now. We're on a half way of a meet. Do let us at least let us finished our talk-"
"So , your 'talk' was much more important than Zinnex?! Your friend who you once comforted?!"
"I have not meant things that way-"
"Then , fine! Don't talk to me anymore! Since your little talk was such important!"
I snapped Pierce before dashing back to my room , sobbing out my sadness.

"Oh Johnny , I was just.... angry!.. Or sad.. I can't tell! If what Leif said was true , then Zinnex has not been back since this morning! I was just worried with what will happen to her..." I muttered , or talking to a cat of mine while fading into slumber....


Please be safe....

Zinnex's POV

Where... Where am I....?

Last night's memories was blurred.... All I remember was Jorge muffling my voice while dragging me into the alleyway...
Wait no!- 

i jumped from the mattress to find myself back in the house of the adoptive family...
Why was I brought back here?!
I don't want to be here!

"Ah~ Dear , you're finally awake~"
I flinched by the voice as I turned to Jorge who was clearly drunk and undressed.

"J-Jorge , why are you doing this to me?!"
"I love you , wasn't that enough for you?~ You're being too less for being my sister , too much for being a slave~ Yet I have a better solution~ You can be my little sex toy~ As I treat you like my precious sister on the outside , and on the inside , I'm your master!~"

This guy...


"No! I don't want to! Let me go now!"
"That's not how a slave treat her master!"
He yelled as he slapped me across the face , making me fell onto the bed. As I whimpered in pain , he grabbed and pulled my hair upwards.

"Listen brat , you're just a slave , useless , you should be grateful that I let your little body filled with my cum."
"Please... D-Don't take my virginity... please..."
"The more you said no , the more I'm doing it , slave~"
He said in that disgusting husky voice before pulling out a syringe filled with unknown fluid and immediately injected into my body. Quickly , I felt dizzy as my vision begun to blur.

"No worries , sister~ I will treat this body as perfect as possibly~"


I don't...

I don't want this game to be played like this....

"Cleanse yourself up~ I'll be back , perhaps we can have more fun~ Slave of mine~"
The moment I woke up , I slammed against the hard mattress along with the sound of hard slam of the door. I moved myself in a upright position , then tried to stand up yet I fell down weakly. 

My legs were jelly....
No... it- It can't be...
he actually took my virginity away...

God damn it....

I sighed as I managed to stand up and moved to my clothes , dressing neatly before walking out of the room , which a hard kick by the stomach was received. As I was knocked onto the concrete wall , feeling the break of my skull , I turned to Mrs Long who then tossed me a cloth with a broom.

"Clean each and every room within the half an hour as I was going to the store. If I see a stain of dust , I will not hesitate to beat you up."
"Y-Yes , Mrs..."
She huffs then walked out the apartment while leaving me scrubbing the floor with my tears and stabbing pain wounds on my hand from the detergent.

I turned to the cabinets where a phone was placed. Immediately , i jumped on my seat, rushing to the phone , dialing the police.

'Please Please Please Someone pick up Please!'
"Hello , how can I help you?"

"Raphael! Help me! It's my- ARGH!"
"Being a damsel in distress wasn't the greatest of all solutions , slave~ Perhaps you need some discipline~"
When did he came back?!

He managed to snatch the phone from my hand , pushing me to the ground harsh , as he claimed that it was just 'some prank of his insane wi- Hold on , what the hell was he talking about?! Hell no I wanted to be his wife!

"So... Trying to be a tease by bringing a man to the place?~"
"Raphael will figure out and once he did , you! YOU ALL! WILL BE DEAD!"
"You really hated to behave , do you? ," I froze as he walked to me with a creep smile after tossing the phone out of the window , "But no worries , dear , I have just the things to get the man out of your mind~ A sweet pet collar~"
He said while forced placing a black collar around my neck.

"With some jump scares~"
As he said , he pulled out a remote and I immediately felt myself electrified and soon fell onto the ground. I grunted in pain as I saw him with 3 syringe filled. How much he was willing to put me under drugged state?!

"No worries~ I would take care of the child~ With care~"
He pressed the remote , activating the electric collar , sending shocks to my body while injecting the drugs into my body.

"No worries , love~ All you need is some fine medicine and a round 2~ just to let you know... You're mine , and only MINE."
Follow with a maniac laugh , I fainted into darkness.

Guess this was the end of me... Huh?
My bad ending....
How sweet.....
I love this ending of the chapter...

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