Chapter 42

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Rhys's POV

As we were guided by the two guards who spotted us earlier back then, along down the streets of the city of Daemos, we noticed people peeking at us through a small hole of the window. As soon we made eye contact, they shut the windows close instantly, creating a bam sound , fearing our hearts for a second.

Wonder what this 'Medonax' have done to brought people to be in so much fear...

"Asch. You have finally decided to show up. Where have you been?"
The King of Daemos, or Asch's father in speaking, questioned as Asch used his lying skills to hide the truth of us being on Ear-th this entire time.

I noticed the smirk on Lady Bish's face, knowing she had knew something's going on. With our long gone existence , there's no way no one will noticed us being gone at least 2 months. Even with the excuse of picking some rare ingredients , it would only take a week or more. Not to mention , even with Prince Asch? Normal and peasant-like Daemos would even thought it to be non-logical. Was even a flower for one potion even necessary for the prince and his knights to move from their duties? The logic itself wasn't right already.

Asch remained silent with his father's babbling on the old royalty topic for 'dismissing from his own rightful duties and being irresponsible with the role he was holding to'. I can tell the annoyance he was facing with , but it's his father , biological father and the King of Daemos in speaking. If he dares to interrupt , it would be either Asch's powers being stripped off or us being banished from these lands.

He's doing this for Ava , that's one thing I can tell.
The King definitely knows something about the 'Medonax' incident , especially about Rhal and Ava being captured by those people.
In order to get information , he needed to wait patiently for the right timing for the right information to be given , just hoping it would be something related so.

"Now , as we brings matters to the table , I believe you're self aware with the... tension going on in my land... aren't you?"
"Yes.. father."
Asch said nervously as The King continued , 

"Those Medonax captured our fine men , no matter was it soldiers , miners or peasants , the interesting thing was that it's men they're capturing. Without men , you know how horrible would our world be? No men to protect , no men to stabilize the grounds , no men to let this proud land called Daemos."
The King said enthusiastically as Asch simply agreed with whatever he said since it's the only way to get some information of Ava. And Rhal of course.

"Imagine what will happen when women rule over our lands. Believe me , it would be a complete ruckus and injustice. But , I was glad you're still here , being alive still , since they took Rhal and a human as witnesses claimed. Daemos can still stand on their grounds , with you and me here ruling over. Now , I believe the worry of choosing the rightful heir for the throne was settled by now."
The King said with his tone being able to sense that small tone of happiness and calmness. Something's off....

"F-Father , I hate to interrupt your statement ," Asch stuttered with slightly fear in his tone , but he soon got his serious speaking tone , "Are you telling me that , we should ignore whatever  might happened to Rhal and that human?"

"Why not , Asch? Tell me , what did Rhal benefit us to make his saving be worth for?"
"Apparently , he defeated a lot of our foes that have came to fight over our land. Without him , there might be no more Daemos."
Asch said with a stern look on his face. The King scoffed in the dark as he stated his facts , 

"But have Rhal benefit us with more land? No , he did not. He did defeat foes , but not conquering lands. Plus , there's no ruling spirit within him , he's just a childish son of mine who wants to fight all day long. That would not be one king by my standards. He sure married Bish for the sake of the throne I'm sitting on , but without a offspring as their booster , they're basically one young couple who's just laying around and doing nothing."

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