Chapter 59

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Pierce's POV

"Pierce! Pierce! Wake up!"
I grunted as I questioned with why Noi in such panic , and as it was early morning in Medonax only.

"Noi... It's not like there was an invasion..."
"Even worst! The mark Sunny gave! It was gone!"
I looked at the wrist of Noi's with only the bite marks remained , and asked if it was happened to be a bad thing.

"I don't even know! Sunny never told me about this! Even worst that I can't find her ever since I woke up! I messed up , I messed up!"
Noi there self-blaming himself as he immediately sulked to the corner of our shared chamber. I walked towards him and told that we shall head to find Sunny and at least attempt to apologize. 

"Noi , quit sulking and get out from the corner."
Asch rubbed his temple by the side of his head as he grunted. Yet Noi being Noi , continued sulking in the corner. Leif got up from bed , dragging his lazy paces and tossing Noi out of the room after grabbing his collar.

"Well that was better than constant pain in the ears."
Leif said as he returned to bed and continued being a curled up ball. I walked out of the room , seeing a sad Noi , letting down my strictness and claimed to be helping the demon. He instantly brightened up like the Sun and thanked me so many that I can't count properly...

"Those were some odd glances..."
Noi muttered quietly as I also noticed the odd tension once we've entered the room. The other species sent us glances , not sure if they're disgust , or shame or.... grief?

Immediately , when Varon's voice blasted into the room , everyone left the room , leaving the room only the three of us. 
Varon's serpent tail swings , knocking over every table and chair , not or in his way.

Noi quickly hid behind my back , as I was used as a meat shield for the smaller demon against the serpent snake.
Varon approached towards us as he glanced at me with me looking down at him.
"Greetings , Prince Varon. Anything you required...?"
I noticed his expression shifted to surprise a bit , then to rage.

"Anything I required?! I required THIS SALMON'S HEAD!!!"
He speedily charged towards Noi , which Noi quickly dodged away and spun me in several circles. I grabbed the serpent by the chest with both hands and raised him up with ease.
The prince seemed flustered and embarrassed as he urged me to place him down this instance.

"Would you not to kill Noi at least?"
"...Okay fine!"
Once I placed him down , I asked him the reason being a killer such a sudden , it was not really suit for him who was usually the chill type.

"Why am I not cool?! Ask this demon! He was the cause my sister was crying all night! And even left the castle , causing a ruckus in the castle!"
That's it?
I looked at him and spoke , "The screaming incident was unnecessary. You've caused an very unnecessary scene."

"Wha- Who are you to teach me?!"
"Pierce. Knight of Prince Asch."
"I mean- yesh...," He pinched his temples as he claimed , "I don't care what's your name! I just wanted payback on the fact she was crying all night! Hence , I call out a duel!"

A duel?
I looked at Noi who seemed fearful of this idea and requested to take his place.
"Why Noi? Scared?!"
"I would respect you if you show the same attitude towards my friends."
"Him?! Your friend-?!"
He seemed fearful by my glance as he let me not to be late for the duel and ran off , leaving me and Noi alone.

"Y-You don't have to do it , you know?"
"I wanted to."
I said quietly as I returned to the chamber to retrieve my sword.

"Pierce! Get your body and soul back in this room now!"
"Prince Asch , calm thyself!"
As I stepped out of the room , away from Asch's complaints , I have overheard some knights speaking about Varon. I was not meant to be one busy body , yet something they said hit in me hard.

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt