Chapter 54

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Leif's POV

I grumbled as I quietly drank the drink provided by the servants. They could've gave us rocks as meals but since we're guests of Sunny , they gotta give us and they can't really deny one princess's order so....

They really pissed 
I can tell by the face , even when they said 'Enjoy your meal' , they quietly screamed , 'Hope you die from choking on this fine food we're forced to make'.

Why are we even dragged into this mess-

"Are you done eating?"
I screamed and pulled out my double sickles , aiming towards the enemy-

"You're going to refer me as PRINCE Varon."
He spoke in a sternful tone as he pushed his glasses up to his face. His eyes directed to my soul , sending me some serious shivers down my spine.

"What do you want , Prince?"
"Have you finish your breakfast?"
"Yea , about to , why?"
"Then get off from the table this instance."

I beg your pardon?
I looked at him with a eyebrow raise as I placed the glass gently on the table.

"Now why is that , your highness?"
"Rule 5 , one must leave the table once finish meal. Before that , which was Rule 4 , one peasant must offer its seat to the ones who rule over them."
I was snapped now!

My fist punched the table harshly as I pushed the chair and stood before the tall prince , "Oh I beg your pardon , mister! Peasant?! I get the point we Daemos were categorized below everything existed. But I mind your manners on spatting in my face!"
"I'm just saying facts and there was more rules than you think that I have not limit you in this castle. And mind that sick poor attitude."
"Well , you have a sick dog like attitude as well!"
"You're speaking to the prince of the Great Medonax himself!"
"Well screw that royalty title of yours. It doesn't act well on a ticking time bomb like you , young man."

He then grabbed me by the collar as he lift me from the ground easily as if I have zero weight.
"You tiny prick , I will destroy-!"
"What are you doing , Varon?"
I tilted my head a bit to find Sunny with her arms crossed by the door with Noi standing next to her.

"Well , obviously teaching this prick a-"
"By lifting him from the ground and claiming to destroy him?"
Varon froze by the princess's glare , before he was given the chance to explain himself , Sunny's legs transformed into a white scale snake tail as she slithered quickly towards Varon and picked him up from the ground.

"H-Hey! HEY! Drop me down! That's not very lady-like!"
"Say it to my sanity and rule book , Varon. You started the fight , hence I shall finish it for you."
She said as she easily tossed him across the room hitting the royal family crest , grunted in pain as he fallen on the ground.

"Now scram , before I unleash the justice of laws on you."
Sunny threatened as Varon grumbled in anger and walked out of the dining room.
He did bumped into Pierce in the way , which he replied rudely to want him to get off from his path. , in which Pierce kindly move to the side and let him walk pass.

"Why , that was not friendly of him."
"Varon can be...a bit sensitive."
Sunny revealed as he shouted from a far , "I am not sensitive!"

I turned to look at Noi whose eyes have black circles underneath.
"Have fun I assume Noi?~"
"Not really... , I just didn't have a good night sleep..."
Noi rubbed his temples as he yawned , even almost fell asleep mid way eating.

"Are you alright Noi?"
Noi looked to see if Sunny was around as he whispered , "She snores and the amount of times I was scared awake was unm-measurable..."
"Well , that was the bride you pick. You need to handle that yourself."
"I didn't pick her , she pick me!"
"Be a man and handle your wife's problems , Noi."
"Bwah?! Not you too , Pierce!"

I laughed at Noi as my thoughts shifted to Zinnex.
God knows how long I have not seen her ever since...

Pierce's POV

I watched Noi who's attempting to balance himself in those roller blades as he took another harsh fall , with Leif laughing at his fail attempt.

"Oh geez , I could watch this all day..."
Leif laughed as he act wiping a tear from his eyes.

I sighed as I watched Noi. I have heard that this competition was in days count and Noi was not nearly to the basic point , which is balancing in those shoes.
"You do know if he lose , he dies , right?"
"I have self awareness , like who cares , Pierce?! Asch was with Rhys who's in the library with the permission of Sunny , attempting to 'find any clues of Rhal and Ava'. Noi was training with Sunny for some weird ass of a competition which we all know he was never gonna survive!"

"You could at least give him some hope on winning."
"Well , my hope was all lost when...Zinnex was gone. It's like her trace was gone , Pierce! Every time when we went out , I was praying to find at least something resembles her... Nothing appears! I was still pissed the fact... I hurt her..."
I quietly looked at him with my hand reached out to his head , which he slapped it away.

"Give... Give me some time alone , Pierce. I'm heading to my chamber for now."
He said as he stood up from his seat and left me with the two training partners.
I sighed as I continued to observe the two , right before I felt bored and decided to look around Medonax.

As I walk down to streets , I was amazed how advance was Medonax compared to Daemos.
Each and every store contain something that brings the uniqueness of this city , each with one only. There was no mashups , hence no arguments over businesses.
I got to admit , this place was much more peaceful than Daemos-

"You there!"
I jumped by the shout as some Medonaxs walked towards me. They're assembled as spirits with a group of 2 boys and 2 girls.

"We need you to pick up our dumps and throw it into that weirdly dangerous forest."
"Excuse me? What makes a low-class peasant like you to talk at me like that?!"
The girl moved her hair as she pointed her finger in my face.

"But , upon that lowly attitude , I expect you to bow for my forgiveness. Maybe I will forgive you."
"...I didn't do anything wrong , did I?"
"Against us highly ranked cats were something against the law. Now get down and bend."
The girls said with a smirk on their faces.

"Excuse me?!"
"I need to leave now , do excuse me."
I said as I attempt to walk pass the beings , which the boys blocked my way.

"Against us great entities is death sentence for you! ," The girl hissed as she motioned the boys to attack me. I was about to pull out my sword , which I have realized forgetting to bring my sword.
"Now her highness was not around , who's gonna help you?"
The boys smirked as sharp claws appeared out from their hands.

I gulped as I curled up my fist , preparing to launch an attack.
Yet all a sudden , a red orange ball rolled across my face and hit harsh on the two boys' face.
"Argh.. Who dares to-!"
"Dude... it's her..."
"What the-! Was it actually-?!"
"I will be on the run for this!"
The girl shouted as the group ran off as fast as lightning , leaving me in confusion.

"Ha! Now that's an entrance!"
I turned to the orange ball which appeared to be a small kid with spirit like ears and a very fluffy tail.  She had dark orange hair and huge shining eyes as she was dressed in a white shirt with long sleeves and a pink skirt with black white stockings and small pink shoes. She adjusted her bag as she looked at me by spinning around me in circles.

"So...You're a Daemos?"
"Well ," She suddenly appeared on my head as she ruffled her hand on my hair , then quickly poking my arm , "I didn't expect Daemos to appear that gentle and quiet. And well-trained."
"I was a general once-"
"You're quite tall in size , it took me longer to climb on your head."
The girl said as she easily climbed on my head and jumped landing on the ground.

"You know , it's unsafe for you to be around , especially with your rank in Medonax."
"Thank you for telling me , little one."
When I said this , the kid seemed rather pissed as her round cheeks pouted. Yet she sighed as she claimed that I don't know her yet?

"You can tell me."
"Where's the fun if I say so? I'm on the run , ciao!"
The girl smiled as she ran off quickly before I could ask her more.

I stood before the direction where she vanished as I took her advice seriously and return to the castle.

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Where stories live. Discover now