Chapter 17

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Ava's POV

"What?! Y-You're joking right?.... Zinnex was..."
I asked while covering my mouth from screaming in excitement  , while my tears were gliding from my cheeks.

"Yes , Ava. Zinnex was awake , we're now in the hospital. Hope to see you , and her.. friends of course."
I thanked Donnie , before allowing my body to collapse on bed , letting my tears sobbed my covers.

Not only Zinnex was alive.... She was also awaken....
Thank god....
God heard my prayers....

"Princess Ava? Are you alright? I heard some crying from outside..."
I turned my head to find Rhys who stood by the door ,as I wiped my tears of joy.

"Rhys , get the others ready in your human form. We're going to meet Zinnex who was in recovering."
I said with my tone of happiness or at least I tried....

"Ah , Miss Ava , you and your friends had arrived at last."
"Sorry for the waiting , Sir Donatello. Bet you and your brothers had been here for a while..."
I apologized as I bowed after the Hamato brothers , who were dressed in their casuals.

"Please , just Donnie. And indeed , we're here for a while..."
"Dealing with some issues of Zinnex , making sure she was better enough to meet you all."

What does Sir Raphael meant by that....

"Now , shall we take you to Zinnex now?"
"Yes please!"
Leif yelled as he quickly shushed up as he remembered my rules , which one of them was not to scream in the hospital. 

"I can see your yearn and pleasure to meet Zinnex. But , let's give you a quick brief with what happened to our deary sister..."
Donnie said before leading us through the white colour painted hallways while briefing with Zinnex's state.

"Zinnex has her skull cracks. Which only made her having her mind suffer when terrible memories came in. So , several things I wanted you to remember , First , not to trigger her head. There's already an incident happened for her screaming in pain , claiming on 'not to hurt her' and 'will do as we asked' , "

"Second , we would like you to take care of her ,"
'What?' , I thought as I looked at Sir Michelangelo's cheerful eyes.

"Yes , Dudette was your friend and perhaps you can keep an eye on her! We'll be busy when she got out from the hospital!"
"Yes , as what my brother mentioned , she was your friend , our only ones who we can ACTUALLY rely on while we're busy protecting the city. We'll ensure she has everything she needed as her problem on walking , from.... raping..."

Can't believe that raping caused her legs to be weak enough from walking , she even need god damn support from forearm crutches! This all blame her adoptive family , who doesn't appreciate a diamond like her!

"Of course , the pills she must eat on time and all of that will be informed when we shall say our last goodbyes. Last but not least , a word from my brothers to your roommates , Ava... ," Donnie said while he stopped by a room , with his three brothers looked at us , 

"Know your place , as we will be watching you and if you hurt my sister , let's say... you won't get a chance to hide in your pitiful shell~"
He said in a singsong tone while his brother looked at the Daemos menacingly.

"Now , head to check on her , she was eager to meet you. We'll taking a visit with the dean himself... Remember , mind your words as I don't want to see my sister harmed~"
Donnie said with a genuine smile before setting off with his brothers. 

This was odd....
I can tell something was off.....
But I can't tell...

"Ugh , their menacing smiles were such annoying nerves to me..."
"But , we shall take their words serious as we don't want to see Zinnex suffer once more , do we , your highness?"
Rhys was right.

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