Chapter 36

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Ava's POV

"Zinnex , you really don't have to."
"I just wanted to help Ava , let the boys take a break."
Zinnex said while having her hand held with a box of ornaments of Halloween as she climbed onto the ladder.  

As it was almost Halloween , I have actually wanted to do the honours for the greatness of the day yet Zinnex insisted , as she claimed 'She wanted to be at least useful for being part of' as she was ABSOLUTELY forbidden to pay the rent. Remembered me last time when she legit sneaked into my room just to put that 100 dollar bill in my wallet and was suspected by Asch on attempting to steal the source of my power and stuff.... I mean seriously , Zinnex has her own ones! Why in the heck does she had to steal them anyways?....

"Ava , knock knock?"
I snapped out of thought before I turned to Zinnex who was questioning if the decoration was fine. I simply nodded as she climbed down from the ladder , questioning if I'm alright.
"Yeah , I'm definitely. But you... you don't seemed great..."
"Yeah... it was quite my... No , Master Splinter's death anniversary...."
I froze and simply let out a 'oh' , before quickly apologizing to her.

"I-It's alright , Ava! Not like you killed him and stuff! It was just I missed him.... As he actually raised me back when I was a kid. He treated like a actual child..."
"I understand , do you visit his grave or...?"
I questioned as she simply shook her head , claimed that the man's was in ashes and rested in peace in the great wide sea , only left a house as a memorial that was probably sold out under her assumption.

"Humans! Get the door!"
Asch yelled as he continued to watch that kids show of that talking sock puppet while Zinnex shook her head to not let me be angry of it.

"You're treating them such , only will spoil them , especially the prince , Zinnex."
"Come on , just let them enjoy the life on Earth , Ava. Don't be such a baby."
Zinnex said as she opened the door , only to reveal the Hamato brothers by the door.

"Mikey! Leo! Raph! Donnie! What wind brings you here?"
"Well.... mind if we...step in the house to talk things out?"
"Raphael , we have a duty ongoing. You don't want the chief to blast flames on your head , do you?"
Leonardo mentioned as Raph eventually scoffed while Zinnex asked for their coming.

"Well..... The house... Where we used to live? sold out as a cottage..."
"I can tell. It's fine , the place was indeed filled with memories but time moves on."
Mikey eventually sobbed as he hugged Zinnex tight , thought she would yelled at them and stuff.

"And... what's with the box?"
"Oh , right , this was our true purpose ," Donnie said while pushing his glasses , spoke , "Remember mother , or Mrs....Tang Shen?"
"Of course , she was a loving woman. After all , she was quite the reason I have the right to be be called Zinnex Hamato. It was misfortune that she passed away so soon..."
Zinnex said sadly as I patted her by the shoulder , comforting her.

"And.... during the renovation of the land , the group found this box by the attic , along side with some relics... but the group was kind enough to ask us first before it straight headed to the dumpster. Cause... they're quite some things we might find it precious...."
Leo said as he opened up the box , to reveal a set of clean hanbok with all of the accessories , for a perfect Korean girl. 

The hanbok was designed with the top in a light turquoise colour with violet colour collar with white stripes and ribbon down to the waist while the skirt was in dark blue with a white belt. Along side was a norigae in green and yellow as its main colour , a ring that was seemed to belong to Mrs Tang.

"This... How was this so clean and new?!"
"Donnie kinda insisted to wash it clean before we bring it to you. Plus , it's been over there quite some time , it will get dusted so..."
"Aww , you got such caring brothers , Zinnex~"
I whined as I leaned my head on Zinnex's shoulder , being envy on her caring brothers.

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