Chapter 47

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Noi's POV

"...ake up! Noi! Wake up!"
I grumbled for five more minutes as I turned my body , cuddled up with my blanket in a very comfortable position.

"Noi! Hurry up before Asch burned your legs into ashes and turned your brain into feeding supplies to the monsters!"
Immediately , I jumped up my floppy bed from that motivation of the day that definitely woke my bones up. I looked at Leif who's beaming as his plan to wake me up sure worked like a charm.

"Thought you're dead and I have to dispose another body."
"Won't really die so easily when we legit survived on Ear-th."
I said while Leif chuckled by my joke and telling me to get up before Asch really burned my legs into ashes and kicks me out from being a knight of his.

As Leif was excused from my chamber , I looked at my tattooed hand , which was still there , as floral vine patterns. I sighed as I was reminded on how tough this thing was stuck to my hand even I have attempted to rub it off with all my strength as possible. Wonder what's even the use of this?

I got up from my bed as I begun to clean up my chamber , saying my temporary goodbyes to the bed that I slept in. I went to close the window as I was reminded on the times where sunny would wake me up by slapping her scale covered tail into my face. I can still feel the hard slap and the soreness on the cheek , also missing her and the morning calls already.

"You're late , Noi."
"S-sorry , I've may or may not being dragged into a food fight earlier."
I have my hands stuck together and bowed after Asch , apologizing for the late attendance. 

"I can tell he's telling the truth , judging by.. this."
Leif said as he pulled out a piece of leaf of a certain vegetable that was somehow hanging by my shoulder. My face flushed in red as I was clearly embarrassed by it. Asch grumbled and said to set off immediately before anyone noticed us and decided to bring us back for the sake of safety of Prince Asch and mankind. 

With the silence took place in the woods and critters making their little sounds , filling in the silence , we begun our journey to Medonax with Asch taking the lead as his knights , including me , followed behind him. As I was just quietly enjoying the serenity and catching up with Asch and the group's speedy paces , something caught my full attention. Even though it was just a bush , yet it happened to be the exact bush where I met Sunny.

I have no idea nor a clue or two with the fond of staring at the plain sight. It just seemed to ring up a lot of my memories with Sunny....

I jumped by Asch's distaste tone as he urged me to move my feet faster before he helped me to walk faster. I looked at the bush once more before hurriedly catching up with the group , leaving the poor bush out of it.

"What's wrong with that bush , Noi?"
Pierce questioned as I quickly claimed for it not to be such big deal. Pierce who was still asking me , claimed being surprised for me having the pursuit of observing nature.
"T-That's not really much the occasion happened there... Just it reminded me someone I cherished a lot..."
"Your... face was red."
Pierce said silently as I squealed and strode off before him while playing with the tattooed hand that was covered up by my glove.

Why was my face heated up when Pierce said so?
Why do I felt so much heated up when my mind was constantly reminded with Sunny?
What was even this strong emotion I was feeling now?!
What- Oof.

I bumped into Leif's back as I soon noticed the group had stopped for a certain reason. Was it a monster in the way? Or some huge obstacle that Asch had lead to? Have he been leading the wrong way-

I reached my head out from Leif's back as I was faced stone made ruins , with its pillars being tilted and stabbed into the ground and even grew with fern and moss around. A path of dirt was opened for us as row of white flowers was followed along the line as well. By the end of the path , it was a dark , pitch black hole. I blinked my eyes , before questioning Asch .

"You sure , this is the right way to Medonax? Doesn't look very much promising- OUCH!!"
"Quit accusing my leading skills before I punched hard enough to make you the dumbest Daemos ever exist! , "Asch yelled while sending a punch , hard and straight on my skull before claiming that this direction was sure what every single soldier who have managed to survive said to him by his questioning.

"Now , now , Prince Asch , are you sure those guards who were so kind enough to serve our country would tell you the right direction?"
"I wouldn't trust what you said but I have forgot to tell you that I'm the Prince of Daemos?! Hence , whatever they said shall not be deceiving me! And if they dare to , I have their skin off and hang their heads by the walls!"
Now that's just creeping me out but hey it's Asch , he can do it.

"Calm down , your majesty. Think about it. Medonax were smart people in strategies and combat. All of this only tells that Medonax was protective over the nation's land. Hence , if I were one of them , I would use a magic spell to send out the illusion to cover up the passage way to my nation , preventing enemies from entering."
Rhys stated as Asch chuckled , being hinted that the Medonax had used magic to cover the one entrance to the kingdom itself.

"Good , then break the spell , so we can enter."
Asch demanded as Rhys obeyed his words by sending a spell that was clearly manifested at some point. Yet , when the spell was unleashed and shot towards the pitch black hole , it somehow bounced back and shot towards us. Thankfully , we have dodged away just right before it hit us and probably turning us into blocks of ice.

"Well , that didn't work."
"I thought you're working over the spells for advancing purposes."
"I have not advancing my spells to predict the power held for this shield by the Medonax."
Rhys stated while pushing his glaoses closer to his face.

"Or did they purposely sealed off the entrance? With a certain sealing magic?"
"Or instead of magic , we use strength instead? Maybe they used something that was spell-proof yet being easily break?"
Leif suggested as Asch said 'good' before demanding me to check it out. I could've said no and tell Pierce to do it , but I'm trained by Sunny herself and she did made me to just face everything ahead. Plus , not like a little entrance towards a kingdom who have kidnapped many men from its neighbouring nation would simply just horrified my own self.

I gain up the courage and approached the portal before the others. I looked at the pitch black hole as I can feel something was by the entrance. By curious , I placed my hand on it , where I felt a thin and transparent layer was in contact with my hand. It seemed soft and breakable , but it was strong. I informed Asch with the situation with him telling me to 'push my hand in harder'. 

"Legit I told him this was unbreakable- Gah! What the?!"
As I was questioning on Asch's choices upon my life , my hand was suddenly pressed into the layer , but correction for that , more like 'Pulled through the layer'. I shouted as help have arrived with Leif pulling me by the other free hand.

Second person's POV

"Can't you pull it out?!"
"I can't- GAH! It's like something was pulling me in!"
Leif attempted to pull Noi out of the layer before he found himself being dragged into as well. Leif's belt was then grabbed by Asch , followed by Rhys who grabbed him by the cape , then Pierce grabbing him by the hand and with his sword being stabbed to the ground itself so he can pull Noi out.

By Pierce's surprise , the force that have been holding Noi was quite strong than expected. He can feel his hand slipping off from the handle of his sword. The moment Pierce had let it go , the five Daemos were all slipped into and across the same layer of material with the blue sword remained stiff by the ground.

"Foolish , leaving your sword here... Oh well."
The figure claimed as it walked casually towards the portal and tossed it in.

"Good luck ,"

"To even have one of your flesh being sent back to Daemos."

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