Chapter 27

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Leif's POV

"It's all over the headlines , Zinnex. You can't seriously deny it."
I walked out of the palace as I was faced with Zinnex who was laid sluggishly by the table while Princess Ava was being annoying as she circled around her with the magic slab.

"I thought I already told you. I was trying this out , I never it would gone this way..."
"Pssh , please , now everyone knows you're dating Cole and no one would be in the way! this is wholesome news , Zinnex!"

Zinnex? Was courted by someone?
And this Cole human...
Isn't he the one who asked to step out with that night before?
He was NOW courting Zinnex?!
Heh , guess I was late huh....?

"I don't know how Leif feel about this... Cause , dating someone... might be cutting off the time we usually spend together..."
"Please Zinnex , him? You should've see how he tried to kill me back those days. You have a policeman in hand , it was better than a god damn assassin. Not to mention , a very hot dude in fact."
Ava cooed as Zinnex sighed softly before seemingly wondered off herself in her head.

Ava doesn't want me to be around her
Just because I was an assassin? Who has blood on my hands?
I know Zinnex was her savior and she was willing to return the favor , yet it just sounded like she was being protective over her.....

"L-Leif?! H-How long have you been there?"
I lifted up my head as I found Ava turned to me with Zinnex looking at me with widened eyes.

"Long enough to hear...all of that..."
Zinnex said with a sorrowful voice.

"I-it's fine , Zinnex. Besides , I should be happy for you being with someone... Princess Ava was right , I wasn't the best for you..."
I said quite hesitantly , as Zinnex stood up from her chair , approached to me gave me a tight embrace.

"Nonsense , you're the best of all. I promise to spend more time with you , even all of this , how's that sound?"
"Yeah , sure , thanks so much Phoenix."
I thanked her before combing her hair with my free hand.

"ANYWAYS , aren't you suppose to hang out with Cole today?"
Ava cut off by pushing us away , asking Zinnex. Which earned a yelp by Zinnex herself before dashing out of the base already.

As Zinnex was gone out of sight , Ava turned to me with a quite aggressive expression , warning me not to interfere on Zinnex's businesses.
"What make you such determine that your theories were accurate , Princess Ava?"
"As I was a powerful sorceress and was meant to move Zinnex out of the list of you assassin."
Hearing what Ava said and watching her seemingly serious expression , I scoffed and laughed slightly.

"Princess , one thing you must know ," I said while my arm smacked onto the wall , right next to Ava's skull , "It's not like I kill anyone who I have eye contact with. Zinnex was one of the great example. I can give what Zinnex needed compared to the dumb 'Coal' human who was much more complicated."

Then , I basically ignored Ava's words by legit phasing into Zinnex's room as I laid on her bed , feeling the warmth of her bed. I missed her company , her touch , her smile and lips.... I stood up from her bed as I noticed the spirit plushie she had for company who's staring at me menacingly. Frustrated , I tossed it to the wall , hitting some books by the process.

Zinnex's POV

"Talk about it , that video game was awesome!"
"America was not quite boring as it called."
Jay claimed joyously as he walked along with the crowd while I walked behind alone down the streets.

Eventually , the day started with me bringing the gang to the arcade. Thought we will have the greatest time of our lives , especially between me and Cole , as couple for almost a week. Yet , this was just out of hand....

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Where stories live. Discover now