Chapter 8

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Zinnex's POV

"Zinnex! Open this door right now!"
I was stirred awake by that screaming of Ava's as I muttered saying I will be heading out for a second. Grabbing my phone by the side table , found it was just 7 in the morning , wondering what made lazy Ava woke up so early....

Dressed in a peach sweater with a white collar shirt and black jeans , I put on a beanie on my newly self cut hair and stepped out of the room. Only to face a angry Ava. It was obvious as her face was red and her ears were steaming. By her side was the Daemos....

"Um.... Hey?"
"Take off the beanie , I dare you , Zinnex."
As she said so , I immediately held tight to the beanie , attempting to escape but was face-to-face with the hot-headed prince.

"Do you hated us that much?"
"N-NO! Why would I ever hate you guys?! You guys legit provided me a shelter! I wouldn't be much more appreciate than ever!"
I exclaimed , but only have a eye tearing Ava.

"Then , why don't you tell me everything?"
"What do you mean- Hey!"
As I was being confused , Asch grabbed the beanie and pulled it off , revealing my hair.

"Why you.... So , what Noi said was true..."
I raised my eyebrow , and turned to Pierce angrily.

"I thought you promised not to tell them."
"You have not mentioned Noi or Rhys."
"You- ," I hold off for a while as I thought of it , "You have a point."

"Then , why not you just spill it out yesterday when you came home? How long has this happened?!"
Ava teared up as she grabbed me by the arm. 

"I just don't need you to be worried of. And by the second question of yours.... Perhaps from the day I went back to college...?"
I answered with hesitation in my tone.

But seriously , how long that happened?....
It was like yesterday when they begun the boycott and bully....
But there was at least a 2 or 3 years.....

"I seriously insist you to go back there , Zinnex."
"Ava please. I got used with that bullying cycle. It's fine for me-"
I flinched by her words , and looked away.

Leif's POV

"That was something... I tried to avoid.... after those years...."
She mumbled with her hand held by her chin.

"What was it you said?"
"Nothing , I just... let me go , Ava. I need to get the grades right in order to graduate..."
She ordered as she glided down from Asch's arm and snatched the knit hat , walking out of the base.

"What does she mean by.... Something she tried to avoid...?"
"I believe it was now necessary to prove that she was indeed hiding something from us?"
Asch said with anger in his tone.

"She needs privacy , so do every single one of us , I wouldn't certainly allow you to force her , unless she wanted to talk about it."
Ava said , give a warning to Asch himself.

As we went back to our chambers , the thought of Zinnex getting hurt wasn't as pleased as I thought of. Quickly , I dressed in my human attire and quietly , I phased out of the base as I managed to find the location of Zinnex's co-ledge.

Found her walking back home during the 160 degree of the sun , which I believe was accurate , I begun follow her , until she was pulled into the alleyway , yet a familiar scene. I scoffed as I turned myself invisible and phased into the narrow street , only to find Zinnex being terribly abused and kicked by some humans. And those humans were none other but those who I last saved Zinnex from.

Have they not learnt their lesson?

"Some new hairstyle of yours? Glad to tell its hideous!"
"Totally , especially you looked like a zombie now!"
Zinnex grunted in pain as one of the humans kicked her by the guts , coughing some blood out of her mouth.

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