Chapter 44

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Rhys's POV

"Where. The. Hell. IS NOI?!?"
Asch intensified his voice as his hand smashed hardly on his throne , clearly being pissed off for Noi's late arrival. I sighed for Asch's outburst and claiming him to calm down as his voice simply can be heard to the forbidden library.

"Tell me to calm down...TELL ME TO CALM DOWN?!?"
Asch shouted with flames emitting from his arms as I can clearly felt the floors shivered along with his blared voice. He really gotta have control with that tone of speaking.... Yet.. by the mood he was currently , better not to let the spirit screeched once more...

"I swear to the Gods , if he comes late for one more degree of the sun , HE WILL BE WAITING FOR THE HIGH-JUMP!!!"
Asch shouted , just by the time Noi stepped in the room with him breathing sharply. He wiped the sweat of running all the way from the chambers to the throne room before he was encountered with Asch who phased in front of him with the element of surprise and lifting up by the collar.

Noi was clearly staggered by this suddenly formidable prince as his legs were clearly quaking in fear. By the sake of Noi , I requested Asch to drop him down , after all , he did came right off the bat when he claimed to give Noi severe punishments. Asch remained silent , before glaring back at Noi who immediately froze by that creeped out glances. It took a while before Asch scoffed and dropped Noi harsh before continue the sudden called out meeting.

"Anyways , what's with the sudden meeting , Asch? It's legit quite early in the morning and I *yawn* could've sleep in a bit more..."
Leif yawned as he rubbed his eyes and talked , clearly not taking serious attention with the fact Noi have just passed the cliff towards death. He was sure the one Daemos who risked his life upon everything , don't he?

"Shut it , before you're be ended up like your human friend."
Leif shouted in a high pitched volume as he goes brandishing mode with his weapons while Pierce simply holds him off , after all , Pierce was the strongest amongst.

"As for the reason I called you all here , was to save Ava."
I froze as I turned my eyes to question Asch with this rush of an action if it happened to be a appropriate. After all , we just returned from Ear-th , which a lot of strong magic users. Now , Medonax?! A world that we never knew yet was famous for the men kidnapping incidents?!

"Save Ava? From the Medonax guards? Legit , you gotta be kidding here , Asch."
Leif said with his hand on the back of his skull as Asch simply scoffed and claimed , 
"If it's jealousy you're having here , continue as I was determined to save Princess Ava still."
Asch waved his hand lazily as Leif , once again , hold back by Pierce.

"As I was saying , I have simply gotten with a plan to save Ava , and my idiotic annoying brother of course. And it leads us , to think of a way to enter Medonax. After all , it was told that they have just appeared out of nowhere , which was definitely impossible to talk about."
Asch said as he walked towards the desk where a bunch of books and papers were found. Why didn't I even notice that when I entered?

"I have delved across the books , that these filthy Medonax have a certain power source that kept them alive still. If we entered their world , hence , not only Ava and my stupidly annoying brother can be saved , also..."
"You weren't attempting to steal their power source , are you , your majesty?"
I questioned hesitantly as Asch let out a creepy laugh and said , 

"That's absolutely what I was planning."
Asch said as it was a whim making him to do so , just like how we gotten our way to Ear-th.

"But... how are we even meant to know if they have a certain way to enter to our dimension? After all , most men were captured and vanished in thin air."
"Tsk Tsk Tsk..."
Asch said as he smirked proudly and lifted up a piece of paper where a path of arbors were drawn on. I raised my eyebrows as I questioned whatever was that.

"Are you mind-struck? This. THIS HERE , was the pathway and entrance of the kingdom , Medonax."
Asch proudly smirked as I gasped with how he would gotten such appalling information. After all , Medonax was by far the kingdom that I have first heard of and having a great reputation already. Like they're prepared and planned to have their names to be written on the pages of the chapters.

"I have my ways. I was the Prince of Daemos after all."
You mean perhaps by threatening the guards who encountered the formidable guards of the other kingdom , telling you every single detail? I legit scarce for the sake of that tone for the moment.... 

Was it Ava that matters to let you forgot about your manner lessons , Prince Asch? Or was it the imbalance of the world without men to rule over? Or maybe was it because of the strong power source you have claimed to hear about?

Perhaps was your brother?....

"I was told that those Medonax guards used hook-swords and martial arts for defense and attack. And their kicks or a light knock on the head can bring the guards into unconscious."
"So , what's even your point here?"
Leif said annoyingly , clearly pissed off by Asch's words back then.

"My point here was..."

Asch screamed as I simply pushed my glaoses by the voice.

"Especially Noi , you're the weakest amongst. You could just die or brought to be tortured by the asinine guards of Medonax."
I turned to Noi who's clearly offended , yet seemed to hold his foots back to the ground as he just stood there , grumbling in rage.

"Now , Rhys , I want you to make more strength boost and power boost potions. After all , we'll take off someday."
"What?! That's overly too sudden , Prince Asch. After all , our disappearance to Ear-th took longer than expected when it comes to Daemos. Are you sure-"
"Were. You. Now , teaching me to think smart? I know what I was doing , after all , I was doing what was right , for Daemos , for us!"
Asch shouted in my face as I winced by the pain of my ears.

"Do I have to make myself clear now? Or is it you who have to make yourself clear? Head over to begin whatever you're meant to do for now."
Asch demanded as we bowed after him before striding off from the throne room.

"Ugh... The sudden stress was overloading on my shoulder..."
"We could only follow Asch's rules."
Pierce said quietly as he first took off from early training , with Noi followed behind , but in a different direction.

"Leif? Are you alright?"
I turned to Leif who's grabbing his fist tight. I can clearly see the slowly bleeding bloodstreams from his hand. Obviously , Asch said words that made him felt chastened , after all , it was Zinnex who went on the path of afterlife before us that was mentioned and insulted in that conversation.

"Leif , I understand how Asch offended you much but you must stand up and remained confident with the upcoming fight with the guards of Medonax."
"He just cared about Ava , that's all. Zinnex... Zinnex been through so much , yet he doesn't even flinched by those gestures of hers! Some cold heart prince..."
Leif grumbled as he punched a nearby wall hard. I attempted to hold him off , calming down his anger , yet he phased off , pulling off our distance , as he strode off , leaving me with no choice.

"*sigh*... How did we even ended up like this..."

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя