93| Fallen Star

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Aziyraphaile watched from above as he saw Diagon Alley in flames, innocents burned alive and died in the most painful way, however, he did not care about their deaths, they meant nothing to him, he flew away with Alleia as he did not care that the witches and wizards kept screaming from the flames that did not go out even after their departure.


"Are you alright love? Hasn't Dumbledore apparated with you? You said he did," Regulus said as he patted Harry's back as he bent over and vomit spilt from his mouth, Harry ignored his boyfriend and continued hurling his stomach out, he apparated with Dumbledore but he never did get used to it.

"Why is he even with us?" Cassie asked as she looked at her brother's boyfriend who had stood up and leaned his head against Regulus's chest, "he's here like Blaise is here," Regulus said defending his boyfriend as he pointed to Blaise who held his chest offended, "hey, I've been your friend since before Hogwarts," Blaise said as he wrapped his arms around Cassie's waist.

Rodolphus rolled his eyes at Blaise touching his little girl and he looked away, "Shut up, all of you!" Marvolo shouted as he tried to figure out where he apparated them to, turns out he brought them to a bridge over a sea that he was unfamiliar with. The bridge stretched over a vast expanse of shimmering water, its surface reflecting the twinkling stars above. The stars seemed to be mocking him, twinkling merrily in the distance, as if they knew something he did not.

Everyone became quiet and the only sound came from the water below and the thunder in the sky became louder as a storm rumbled in the distance. The wind whipped through their hair as Marvolo stood at the edge of the bridge, his eyes fixed on the turbulent clouds gathering on the horizon. He squinted his eyes thinking he saw Aziyraphaile's dragon and his heart stopped but it turned out it was just a cloud shaped like one.

"Would you rather speak of how my brother burned down Diagon Alley where there were innocent wizards and witches? Or would you like to speak of how your husband tried burning you instead?" Cassie said as she tilted her head with a mocking tone, Marvolo turned to her with a cold, calculating stare. His voice was calm, but laced with a dangerous edge. "I don't want to speak of it at all."

"Oh, I must do what the dark lord says, shouldn't I? Well too bad, I want to talk about how my brother almost fucking killed me!" she raised her voice as she flipped the dark lord off and her mother's eyes widened, Bellatrix slapped her hand and forced her to put it down. Marvolo narrowed his eyes at the girl and scoffed at her audacity.

He may not harm her because she was his husbands sister but that didn't mean he couldn't threaten her, because he can and he will, just not at this moment because he didn't care, all he thought about was how close he was to dying and it was by his husbands hands, or fire in this case.

Marvolo's mind raced with a mix of bitterness and frustration. He couldn't believe how his life had come to this, tangled up in a web of family turmoil and betrayal. And of all things, his cloak was getting soaked and his hair was clinging to his face making him move it out of the way every other second.

"Your son- he-" Marvolo couldn't find the words to describe Aziyraphaile, he could try but they all went back to Insane, mental and a bloody idiot. He couldn't understand why Aziyraphaile wanted all of this, he couldn't understand why he chose to forget him and not speak with him about whatever was troubling him and it made him feel as if it was his fault.

"He... is a fucking idiot!" Marvolo shouted since he did not want to bad mouth his husband, the teens tried not to laugh as the dark lord began rambling about everything that Aziyraphaile had done, and it somehow took a turn when he started to talk about their relationship, "Reckon he's lost his shit?" Draco asked in a hushed voice.

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