32| Gaunt Manor

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Once Celeste knew that Aziyraphaile wasn't going to let her brother go she ran out of the room as fast as she could and told her parents about what was happening and all three of them sent panicked Patronus's to the Lestranges and Alexandria.

But when they all got there Lucius was trying to break down the door that Aziyraphaile had locked without realizing he locked it, and Narcissa was crying while her daughter was holding her so she wouldn't fall to the floor.

"What the hell is happening?" Regulus asked quickly, he couldn't fully understand what the Patronus's were saying it was just the Malfoys' voices shouting and saying Aziyraphaile, they thought he was hurt but what they didn't know was that he was strangling Draco in his room.

"It's Aziyraphaile damn it I tried to get him to let go of Draco but he wouldn't he just pushed me away and.. fuck hurry up you have a wand don't you!" Celeste cut herself off by shouting at her father who was trying to remove the spell, "I'm trying it isn't working damn it!" Lucius shouted while throwing his body repeatedly at the door that wouldn't open.

Regulus, Alexandria, and Cassiopeia were holding each other's hands while Bellatrix was holding Narcissa to keep her steady with Celeste, Rodolphus and Rabastan were trying to help Lucius break down the door and remove the spells.

The door suddenly opened as the three men were about to throw themselves at the door but what they saw made them freeze because  It all happened too fast for anyone to grasp one moment Aziyraphaile was gripping Draco's neck practically killing him and the next he let him go and his body fell on the floor emotionless.

Aziyraphaile turned around and saw multiple people behind him before he looked back at Draco, his breathing started to quicken when he saw the piercing bruising that started to develop rather quickly on Draco's neck, Draco's chest he couldn't see correctly he didn't see it going up he didn't hear breathing only his own and panicked ones from behind him.

"No." He whispered though no one heard him, "Draco!" The silence was broken by Narcissa screaming and running into the room getting out of her frozen state and running towards her son, "No no no." She said as she gripped his body to her chest not wanting to accept the fact that he was dead not wanting to let him go.

"You're okay, you're okay." She kept muttering hoping that he would just wake up and this would all just be a bad dream, Lucius went on the other side of Draco moving his hair out of his face, "Not my boy." He whispered as his proud Malfoy mask broke and tears slid from his eyes as he let out choked cries, Celeste later joined them as Lucius held her close to him.

Aziyraphaile turned around and saw his parents, siblings, uncle, and best friend standing there with tears streaming down their faces Rabastan who had been away and wasn't used to crying was indeed letting out tears, they finally took their eyes off of Draco's body to look at him.

He saw it... the fear in their eyes... the fear he never wanted them to have when they looked at him, they looked at him in disbelief and were beyond shocked that he could just kill his cousin his best friend like nothing without feeling anything at all how he just stands there and watched as he choked him to death.

"What have you done." Rodolphus said looking at his eldest son his heir not knowing what to feel as he heard the agony and grief from the Malfoys, "What the fuck have you done!" He said louder while putting his hands behind his head to not freak out even though he couldn't do it not now, not while his son just killed Draco.

"I don't know what I've done," Aziyraphaile said looking his father in the eyes and shedding a single tear before he apparated away, the last thing he heard before he left was everyone shouting at him to stop but he didn't, he didn't get to see that Draco's chest finally started rise after they thought he was dead.

But to him How could he? how could he stay in the very house where he choked his cousin to death and where he lost control of his sanity how could he hurt him, Draco, his best friend what would happen now would he be wanted for murder?

A murder that he was forced to watch as his own hands tightened around Draco's terrified neck, how could he lose control of his own body how could he not have tried harder to gain back control, how could he do that to his cousin?

He didn't know.


The only safe place Aziyraphaile could think of to go was to Marvolo's manor, Marvolo had told him where he lived when they saw each other at night when Aziyraphaile would sneak out of the castle to go to the forbidden forest every time he left Marvolo would come like he knew he was there and the time he would be there it was strange but comforting.

He finally made it to Gaunt Manor and it was dark green and black just as he imagined it to be but he didn't take notice of anything else not that he could with the state he was in, he could tell that the manor had wards around it to keep everyone out but for some reason when he went passed the wards without thinking he didn't feel any pain from entering which means Marvolo made it so that he could enter whenever he wanted.

He ran as fast as he could towards the manor and once he reached the door he banged loudly yet weakly at the same time he couldn't breathe was this what Draco felt when he was killing him?  Yes of course it's what he felt but Draco would have felt much worse than he did.

Aziyraphaile's back was facing the door and he didn't notice that the door had opened revealing a smirking dark lord but when Aziyraphaile finally turned around Marvolo stopped smirking immediately when he saw that his eyes were red and his face was stained with tears that kept coming down and how he was holding his head.

"Ziyra, Ziyra what's wrong?" Marvolo asked him quickly while leading him inside and the door closed on its own, "shit." Marvolo whispered and apparated them both to Marvolo's bedroom, "Hey just breathe... Ziyra just listen to my voice alright love just listen, breathe... in... and out." He said holding the shaking boy who was breathing heavily and fast.

Marvolo kept holding him and teaching him how to control his breathing again until he was feeling slightly better and could breathe on his own.

The two were on the floor by Marvolo's bed with him letting his hand play with Aziyraphaile's hair as he laid his head on his shoulder. "What happened love?" Marvolo asked quietly breaking the silence between them.

Aziyraphaile shook his head as he relived the memory of what he did to Draco. "It's my fault..." he whispered, he couldn't feel the tears fall because he didn't have any more to let out he cried all his tears.

"What's your fault?" He asked again, "Marvolo... I killed him." He said as his breath caught in his throat, Marvolo stopped touching Aziyraphaile's hair and put his hand around him as he laid his head on his.

"Who did you kill?" He asked once more, "I killed Draco... my best friend, my cousin... I..." Aziyraphaile stopped and moved away from Marvolo stood up and began to pace around, the tears he once thought were all gone came back and he couldn't stop them.

"I killed him and it hurts to remember but the memory won't stop playing... it's taunting me Marvolo... I can't control my mind and emotions and it fucking hurts!" He shouted while he fell to his knees and began to punch the floor as he had always done whenever he got too angry.

He did it because he wanted to feel the pain he wanted to feel what Draco felt, but when he was angry he couldn't feel anything so he began to hit harder as blood started to pool out of his hand.

"Stop it Ziyra stop..." Marvolo said as he tried to grab his hands but he just screamed at him telling him to let go Marvolo wasn't about to let him continue to hurt himself so he moved behind him and wrapped his arms around him so he wouldn't be able to continue.

"let go!" Aziyraphaile shouted trying to get out of the embrace but Marvolo held him tighter, "No not until your calm Ziyra." He said.

Aziyraphaile put up a fight again to get out of his arms but in the end, he let his shoulders drop and sunk into Marvolo's warm embrace as he broke down again. "I'm sorry." He choked out.

"It's alright love... I'm here." He said genuinely he didn't want to see Aziyraphaile upset when he saw him in such distress the feeling was uncomfortable he didn't like that Aziyraphaile Was upset because it made him upset he didn't know what the feeling was.

But what he didn't know was that the emotion he was feeling was the very emotion that he was told he couldn't feel. "I'm here." He whispered again.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora