34| Lestrange's, Malfoy's, & Alexandria

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"Is he going to be okay?" Alexandria asked Lucius since Narcissa was sleeping by Draco's bed, she refused to leave his side the only time she left was to take a shower or when someone else was in the room.

"I hope so, she wouldn't be able to handle it if we lost him.. you saw how she was when we thought he was... dead," Lucius said looking at Alexandria while Celeste was sleeping on Alexandria's lap. "A... Aziyraphaile he would have never done that." She said quietly not wanting to say it out loud.

"Yet he did," Lucius said coldly while glancing at her and then at his daughter who was on her lap. "He didn't mean to" Lucius cut her off, "we were banging on that damn door begging for him to let Draco go yet he didn't, Cel begged him and tried to get him off yet he pushed her away.. he meant it," Lucius said louder, neither Lucius nor Alexandria noticed that Celeste woke up and was listening to the conversation.

"He was dealing with a lot." Alexandria said while the two refused to back down, "he killed my son!" Lucius shouted while standing up from the couch waking Narcissa in the process, Celeste moved off of Alexandria's lap when she noticed she was also going to stand up.

"He's alive, he's right there breathing he isn't dead!" Alexandria shouted and got up when Celeste moved out of the way. Both Narcissa and Celeste were watching the two argue with tears in their eyes they loved Aziyraphaile but they loved Draco as well and he tried to kill him.

"He was dead before, it's a fucking miracle he's alive!" The two started shouting at each other which is why the Lestrange's decided to go up to Draco's room.

"Draco is your friend and he almost died he did die for a moment and you're defending his killer," Lucius said in disbelief not noticing the Lestrange's ready to throw the cruciatus curse at him.

Alexandria started to get pissed off and slapped Lucius in the face shocking everyone but she didn't care and she proceeded to scream at him, "Aziyraphaile's my best fucking friend of course I'm going to defend him, he's the only one who understood me, and I understood him, he didn't mean to do that to Draco alright he just hasn't taken his fucking Potions!"

Lucius who was holding the side of his face with Narcissa next to him was confused they all were, potions?

"What do you mean he forgot to take his potions?" Bellatrix asked after everyone refused to talk, Alexandria's eyes widened and she looked at her best friend's mother, 'fucking idiot!' She shouted in her head mentally slapping herself for her slip-up.

"It's not my business to tell." She said crossing her arms hoping they wouldn't pry but she knew they would. "Tell me why my son was taking potions." Rodolphus demanded, "No, I promised him not to do I'm not gonna," she said glaring at him and everyone else who was glaring at her.

"Alexa-" Celeste was cut off by her, "I said no!" She shouted, "Aziyraphaile killed-" "Draco isn't dead!" Everyone shouted at Lucius.

Narcissa and Celeste moved over to Draco's bed not wanting to be a part of the Aziyraphaile conversation. "What was he taking potions for," Regulus asked making her want to him because he was the reason this happened in the first place.

"You did this!" She shouted at Regulus while pointing a finger at him startling everyone, "Me?" Regulus said confused, "You woke him up, he needed fucking sleep and he couldn't get that because you decided to be a fucking bitch and disturb him, none of this would have happened if you had left him alone!" She shouted making his eyes widen.

"I.. it was only a joke," he said looking at her and getting slightly scared when he saw her glare, "a joke that caused all of this... he needed to sleep, Reggie." She said while putting her face in her hands.

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