52| The Black Family Reunion

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"They're taking too long and I'm getting irritated," Aziyraphaile stated as he sat next to Marvolo at the head of the table, he tapped his foot repeatedly against the floor, he also tapped his fingers on the table with one hand and the other was on Marvolo's thigh.

"If they do not come in the next five minutes we shall kill them once they do." Marvolo said, it was more of a suggestion but Aziyraphaile agreed either way, "I'll give them three minutes." Aziyraphaile said and began to grow even more impatient by the second.

As soon as Aziyraphaile was about to stand the doors to the dining room opened, when the two looked they saw the fifteen guests entering. They looked tense, uncomfortable, uneasy, disgusted, and most of all terrified.

"Sit down." The two said to the others who stood, they then all sat down while slightly shoving each other when one of them tried to grab a chair they wanted to use. Sirius, Andromeda, Narcissa, and Bellatrix however stayed standing just staring at each other with both hate and longing.

"Mum you should sit down," Nymphadora told her mother as she was slightly glaring at her sisters, Andromeda glanced at her before nodding. "Siri," Andromeda said once she sat down, she motioned with her head to sit down and he did so, Reluctantly.

"I don't wanna be here." He mumbled but was heard, "I don't want you here either but Aziyraphaile does, it's the only reason why I haven't killed you so shut the fuck up." Marvolo said as he slammed his hand in the table startling everyone besides Aziyraphaile.

Alexandria sat at Aziyraphaile's right and Blaise sat next to him, the two were feeling very awkward at the moment and we were just waiting for the liquor to be brought out to distract them.

"Hi," Aziyraphaile said cheerily which earned very confused and shocked expressions from everyone, Marvolo only smiled and placed his hand on his hand that was still resting against his thigh, he knew that this was just one of his other personalities and was completely harmless unless you upset him.

"Nymphadora?" Aziyraphaile said trying to spot her which he eventually did, "Hello." She said, "Hello I've been wanting to meet you for some time now, I know I'm a bit mental but we're cousins so you shouldn't be bothered by that since it runs in our blood..." he laughed and only three others laughed with him.

Nymphadora smiled though it didn't reach her eyes, he also saw a few of the others do the same but it wasn't genuine except for the smiles Blaise and Alexandria gave him, Aziyraphaile saw this which caused his smile to falter completely before he went back to how he usually is, Cold and careless.

Marvolo was watching him the whole time so he wasn't happy about them bringing his mood down, he looked at everyone else in the room and immediately pulled out his wand pointing it at anyone and it found Nymphadora.

"Don't, it wouldn't even be worth it," Aziyraphaile said grabbing Marvolo's hand and pulling him down.

"She put your mood down.. they all did, it would be worth it to me to hurt them," Marvolo said with irritation but Aziyraphaile didn't respond he only snapped his fingers and the house elves started bringing out the food and wine, which Blaise and Alexandria were waiting for.

"You can't blame us for acting this way, he's a dark wizard who killed Harry, and you the dark lord a monster who killed my friends and brother-" Sirius said but was cut off by Aziyraphaile who slammed his fist against the table.

"Tell me which brother you're talking about, was it James Potter or Regulus Black?" He asked and Sirius became quiet as did everyone else.

"Say it, we all know the answer anyway." Aziyraphaile continued and Sirius still didn't know what to say, "You think just because you were sorting into Gryffindor makes you good? You left your brother alone to deal with a mother who only valued wealth and power, she abused him and you, I'm sure of it, but when you left he was alone and scared because he had to do everything that was meant for you. He had to become the heir when you ran away like a coward who couldn't even stay for his own brother and instead chose someone else to take that role. Regulus Black had to become a death-eater at sixteen which he wanted at first but then he changed his mind I bet you didn't know that..." Aziyraphaile stated but he wasn't finished he saw the look on the adults' faces and Sirius was holding back tears and shaking his head.

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