81| Kreacher

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"Do you even know how to find the Black family home?" Alexandria asked her best friend as they had been aparating and walking everywhere to try and find where the Black family lived, they knew that it was hidden but they didn't know where it was.

"Yes, that's why we are standing in front of it," Aziyraphaile replied sarcastically, they were not standing in front of it, they were standing in the middle of a crowd, "no we're not," Aziyraphaile groaned, "I was being sarcastic!" he shouted causing many people to stop and look at him.

"Fuck off, don't you all have places to be? get going," he urged them and dragged a cackling Alexandria by the wrist across the street, it was safe to say that the two had been annoying each other for the past two days, yes they'd been looking for the black home for two days with no luck on finding it.

The Black family had owned multiple houses and mansions all over the world and the two had looked through half of them to try and find the real locket that Regulus Black had stolen years ago, and knowing Regulus Black it was going to be hard to find that damn locket.

"Why don't you call a bloody house elf you idiot?" Alexandria said as she ripped her wrist out of Aziyraphaile's hold, "Why haven't I thought of that? Oh wait, it's because I don't want my parents finding out from a damn house elf that it was summoned and they'd tell the fucking dark lord."

Alexandria raised her hand to her face and used one of her fingers to wipe off the spit that came from Aziyraphaile's mouth as he was shouting, "If you ever spit on me again I will buy wild dogs and starve them for weeks and chain you up to a pole and let them loose and hungry dogs will eat anything," she threatened and brushed past him.

"Are you threatening me?" Aziyraphaile asked in disbelief as he caught up with her and walked by her side, "did it sound like a compliment?" she asked as she didn't spare him a glance and kept walking forward, Aziyraphaile glared at her but decided to stay quiet, if she wasn't his best friend she'd have no head.

"Didn't Sirius have a house elf that he gave to you? He said the elf was a gift of some sort?" Alexandria asked as she suddenly remembered that Sirius Black had given Aziyraphaile his house elf to thank him for saving his life during the fight between him and Bellatrix but Aziyraphaile never called the elf.

Aziyraphaile stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened upon realization, he has a house elf who won't be able to report back to Sirius or his family because it would be rightfully his, "fucking genius," Aziyraphaile said and he kissed the top of Alexandria's head.

"Shit, what's its name though?" Aziyraphaile said as he began passing, Alexandria dragged him to an alley that no one was in just in case an elf would appear, that wouldn't be good, "Horus? No... Reacher? No, it ends with Cher, I remember Sirius uttering the word Cher, before."

"Kreacher?" Aziyraphaile mumbled and in a few seconds a loud pop echoed in the alley making the two teens flinch, "m-master?" the house elf said as he stared up at the tall man in front of him, "kinky," Alexandria joked making Aziyraphaile elbow her.

"You're Kreacher? The Black family house elf?" Aziyraphaile questioned the small elf, Kreacher nodded his head at the man, Sirius had told him that he was giving him to his nephew but Kreacher never met Aziyraphaile but he admired him from afar when he heard about everything Aziyraphaile had done.

Even if it was all bad, he heard about him becoming the youngest dark wizard in the world and the most fearful, he knew that Walburga and Orion would be pleased to know that one of their own had made it this far and become the most fearful along with Voldemort.

"Yes m-master, I am Kreacher," the elf said and bowed his head, Alexandria pulled out the fake locket from her pocket and showed it to the elf making him flinch and step back to get as far away from the locket as possible, the locket was supposed to be in a hidden spot at the Black family home.

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