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"Son of a bitch," Aziyraphaile muttered as he couldn't spot his relatives anymore, when he got to the edge of a cliff they weren't there, he told Alleia to turn around and go lower and they flew over the woods for a while and Alleia could catch their sent, she stopped near the cliff and flew down as I told her to take a break.

I thought that they were hiding or something but Alleia would've smelt them, I sat at the edge of the cliff swinging my legs back and forth, I guess I did get over the height fear, sort of. The thought of plummeting was still pretty scary, he closed his eyes and leaned back feeling the rough rocks against his cloak.

The feeling of the cool air hitting his skin felt like freedom like he didn't have to do anything anymore and he could just relax, however being him had its flaws, he heard someone clear their throat and he immediately reached in his pocket and threw a dagger at whatever it was.

He opened his eyes and saw Montgomery standing next to him as he towered over him, he held the dagger in his hands before it fell through it, I rolled my eyes knowing that he wasn't really there but he didn't say anything. "How long have you known?" he asked, Aziyraphaile sighed when he knew that if he didn't answer Montgomery would continue to bother him.

"Since you told me my thoughts were loud and that my mind wasn't protected, I've known because no one could enter my mind. I just didn't believe you were a... you know," Aziyraphaile pointed to his head and tapped it indicating that Montgomery was just a part of his imagination, it was odd knowing that someone wasn't really there but being able to speak to them.

He wished it wasn't Montgomery there, but the thought of his best friend coming back to his mind made his breath get caught in the back of his throat causing him to close his eyes before opening them again, he took a deep breath and tried getting rid of the thoughts as they were just too painful. 

"Can't you leave?" Aziyraphaile asked as he turned his head to the side, he did not want to see him anymore and he wanted to be alone before he went back to setting fire to everything in sight. "I can but only if you want me to," Montgomery said as he sat down next to Aziyrapahile's head, Aziyraphaile narrowed his eyes at him before moving away.

He did want him gone, "if you did I'd be gone by now," Aziyraphaile heard Montgomery whisper causing him to clench his fists, he closed his eyes focusing on getting rid of the nagging voice of his imagination, he tried getting rid of any and all thoughts of Montgomery and began to burry then deep but it's not as easy as it sounds.

Montgomery kept speaking and it always made Aziyraphaile twitch because of the irritation he began feeling just by hearing his voice, he wanted to rip his vocal cords out and shove them down his throat but he couldn't because he wasn't real. Aziyraphaile suddenly felt a sharp sting on his forehead causing his eyes to shoot open.

He sat up and turned to Montgomery who crossed his arms and scooted away from him, "Did... did you just hit me?" Aziyraphaile asked as he was about to toss him over the cliff and listened to the sound of his body hitting the ground but he knew he couldn't because he would just reappear. "I only did what you were thinking." Montgomery's words cut through the tension, sending a chill down Aziyraphaile's spine. "I can hear your thoughts," Montgomery continued.

"Well of course you can you are part of my thoughts," Aziyraphaile said as he was referring to Montgomery not being an actual person, he watched as Montgomery tried kicking him but missed which was completely embarrassing, Montgomery stood up and walked away from the cliff as he disappeared from Aziyraphaile's sight.

Aziyraphaile clung to the edge of the cliff when he felt Alleia nudge him, he turned around and gave her a look making her move back a bit. "Thanks for almost killing me," he said sarcastically and stood up from the edge, "do you want to set fire to the rest of Diagon Alley? You do don't you?" he said as he stroked Alleia's skin.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽| OC x Tom Marvolo GauntWhere stories live. Discover now