13| A Talk With Dumbledore

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As Aziyraphaile made it to the Griffen that guarded Dumbledore's office, remembering what the first year said, he likes lemon drops, Rolling his eyes he said the password.

"Lemon Drops." Making the Griffen turn as the stairs began to appear, he stepped on one of the stairs waiting for it to bring him to the top because he didn't want to walk up. I need my sleep, He thought. Finally making it to the door, he knocked and entered when he heard a faint "Come In."

As he opened the door and walked in he spotted Dumbledore sitting behind his desk. "You wanted to see me professor?" He asked once he was in front of the headmaster.

"Yes, Aziyraphaile, my boy please have a seat." Dumbledore gestured with his hands. Aziyraphaile took a seat in front of him with his hands entwined in his lap, waiting for Dumbledore to speak.

Dumbledore opened a drawer by his left pulled some chocolate out and outstretched his hand, "Chocolate?." He asked the boy sitting in front of him, he saw Aziyraphaile laugh lightly before accepting it, "Thank you, professor." He said, opening the chocolate bar.

"Do you just happen to have chocolate in your drawer professor?" He asked after he swallowed the piece of chocolate, "Yes it seems that it calms students sometimes whenever they're anxious, angry, sad, etc." he responded.

Aziyraphaile took a bite of the chocolate nodding his head, "Is there something you wished to speak with me about sir?" He knew Dumbledore didn't just ask him to come to his office just to give him a chocolate bar.

Dumbledore sighed, he knew he couldn't stall the conversation the boy was far too intelligent for that, it's a wonder that he wasn't placed in Ravenclaw. He sat back in his chair entwining his hands as the boy did previously, "Yes... yes, there is something I wished to speak with you about, very smart for catching on."

Aziyraphaile nodded, of course, he's smart the only thing that held him back from becoming a prefect was his inability to stop fighting students and talking back to professors.

"I want to talk to you about many things, so let's start with one and then we'll move on from there, is that alright with you?" He asked carefully not wanting to overwhelm the boy.

Aziyraphaile nodded, "Yes professor... ask away." He told him after finishing his chocolate. "I first wish to speak with you about Ronald Weasley, and why you attacked him on your way here?" Dumbledore watched as the boy closed his eyes with his fist clenched before he let out a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"My sister heard Hermione Granger call Luna Lovegood looney and my sister didn't like that so she said something back to Granger defending Luna Lovegood, Weasley then got up and walked towards my sister." Dumbledore had a feeling where this was going.

"You see professor I'm very protective of my siblings, when I saw him walking towards my sister, I knew he wasn't a threat because I don't fear him but I saw red, he had told her to shut up, and he got closer making me lose my temper that was already rising, that's when I punched him." He finished still looking into the professor's eyes. Dumbledore nodded stroking his beard before putting his crossed arms on his desk and leaning in.

"And you continued to punch him?" He asked already knowing the answer, "Yes." He said with a blank face. "I understand that you didn't like how Ronald Weasley was approaching your sister but I still must give you detention for at least a week."

Aziyraphaile clenched his fist harder to the point where he almost drew blood. "You wouldn't give me detention if he had touched her right?" He questioned but talked again before Dumbledore had a chance to speak.

"I thought he was so I did what I had to do professor and I don't regret it because he deserved it he needed to learn how to mind his own business, my sister wasn't talking to him, he stuck his nose in a problem that wasn't his, he got out of the carriage it's his fault for getting his ass handed to him." He continued but at this point, he had gotten up and was raising his voice.

Dumbledore had struck a nerve and he knew it, so he got up cautiously moving towards the now upset boy. "Aziyraph-" he didn't get to finish his sentences when the said boy shouted at him.

"No!" He shouted, making Dumbledore move back with his hands half up to show he wasn't going to harm him. "You can't give me detention nor can you get me in trouble when I didn't beat Ron Weasley in the castle it's unfair!" He continued to shout.

Dumbledore knew he wasn't going to be able to ask the boy any more questions today because he was now upset. He also knew how Aziyraphaile visibly hated the Weasley boy and he never failed to show it. "I'm sorry Aziyraphaile," Dumbledore said but Aziyraphaile was already walking towards the office door.

Aziyraphaile stopped when his hand was on the handle. He had a short temper and everyone knew it, so he took a few deep breaths before turning back around to face the professor.

Dumbledore didn't expect him to walk back towards the seat and sit down but he did, which left him slightly confused but he didn't question it.

"My apologies I didn't mean to shout at you like that professor I was just annoyed, I didn't hurt Ron Weasley in the castle I did it by the gates outside. Meaning you can't give me detention, I was simply protecting my sister." He stated firmly, Dumbledore sat back down.

He nodded still slightly worried about how the boy went from shouting and screaming at him, to apologizing and talking calmly. "I suppose we could come up with something else instead then how does that sound?" He asked looking at the boy who visibly relaxed.

Aziyraphaile nodded, "That sounds fine professor depending on what it is." "Perhaps you could tutor Neville Longbottom at potions and spells he's failing potion class and is quite bad at performing spells even the simple ones, and I hear that you are extraordinary at potions and that you are planning on making your spells correct?" Dumbledore asked leaning back in his seat.

Aziyraphaile didn't question how he knew that he was practicing making spells because he had already told him the previous year about it.

"That sounds reasonable enough professor." He said, Not asking him if Neville would even be comfortable with having the son of the people who tortured his parents be his tutor.

"Good I will speak with Neville about accepting a tutor," Dumbledore said as Aziyraphaile got up and walked toward the door, he had decided to ask the boy questions another time.

"And Aziyraphaile." He said before the boy left, "Yes professor?" He asked turning around.
"Have a good day my boy." "you too professor."  He said before closing the door and leaving.

Dumbledore sighed getting up to pet his Phoenix bird. "The boy is quite extraordinary, I just hope that he comes to learn that not everyone means harm and that he could do so much good instead of evil, I will help him, I will teach him that he doesn't have to follow in his parents footsteps that he could be his person someone who he wants to be." He said to the bird.

But what Dumbledore failed to realize was that Aziyraphaile was still by his door having heard everything with a single tear rolling down his face.

You tried to help too late, He thought as he began walking back to his dorm.

No one was in the hallway, the only sound that was heard was his boots hitting the floor with a soft thud.

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