24| Questions

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"Where the hell have you been?" Draco ambushed Aziyraphaile as soon as he entered the dorm, "none of your business ferret." He responded, "Ha ferret." Alexandria laughed as she jumped on Aziyraphaile's bed again.

"shut. Up. You all know I hate that fucking word yet the two of you..." Draco pointed at Alexandria and Aziyraphaile who were smirking from his bed, "always seem to say it and never learn to stop." He continued.

"Why would we stop ferret boy, that moment was iconic I will be telling the entire world about it." Aziyraphaile mocked him making Draco look at him, "It was very hilarious how you were shoved down a student's pants ferret." Alexandria was now smirking at Draco's glare that didn't even faze her.

"Oh Alexandria I forgot to tell you, I killed your cat," Aziyraphaile suddenly said making the other five look at him while Alexandria got up not believing him, "you're joking." She said with a smile that turned into fear when she saw he wasn't smiling back. "Tell me you're joking Ziyra?" She said seriously.

Aziyraphaile got up and looked under the bed before pulling out a box and throwing it to Alexandria, "fucking menace." Blaise said quietly to Regulus who was sitting on his bed. "Open it." He said trying not to laugh when he saw the tears in her eyes.

Alexandria slowly opened the box and screamed when she saw her dead black cat with a small dagger in its side. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" She shouted as she began to hit him. "Ouchie stop it he was a little shit anyways." He said which earned him a slap to the face.

She started crying which made Cassiopeia and Celeste get up to hug her, "Ziyra why the fuck did you do that you psycho!" Cassi shouted at her brother, "because..." he drawled out while smirking at Alexandria who was ready to punch the smirk off his face.

"I told her I would get her back on the train did I not?" He asked Alexandria scoffing at that, "Are you fucking kidding me I tell you to get the fuck out and you retaliate by killing my fucking cat you psycho!" She shouted at him.

"Okay the psycho word being aimed at me is so not cool alright... words hurt you know." He said crossing his arms and making everyone give him a 'Are you serious' look.

"You killing my cat hurts you psycho!" She shouted again, "Ughh stop calling me that.. besides..." he stopped talking then walked towards the dorm room and left. "What the actual fuck did he honestly just leave," Regulus asked moving his head off of Blaise's lap and getting up.

"Ta Daaaaa." Aziyraphaile came back into the room with a black cat in his arms, "midnight!" Alexandria got up from the ground to grab her cat while hugging it she glared at Aziyraphaile who gave her a grin. "Wait you didn't kill him?" Celeste asked confused.

"Obviously not... the cat in the box is merely an illusion that makes it seem real and feel real, the illusion lasts however long the caster wishes it to, it's a new spell I created, it came in handy don't you think?" He asked looking at all the annoyed faces "what?"

"You fucking bastard I thought you killed my cat!" Alexandria started hitting him again after she put her cat down. "Hey stop that I told you I'd get you back didn't I..." he said as she stopped hitting him, "I did it when you least expected it."

"I hate you." She said simply before laying her head on Celeste's lap with the cat lying next to her head with his face on her shoulder. "No, you don't." He said as he walked towards his bed and sat on the other side of her.

"Oh guess what." He said excitedly, "What." All six said, "First of all rude it's yes Ziyra, not what... and second guess who I met out on my walk through the forbidden forest." He said not giving them any hints.

"Are you honestly going to make us guess you jerk?" Blaise asked, "Yes." He responded simply. Alexandria's eyes widen before she got off of Celeste's lap, "Sorry midnight." She said as the cat glared at her for moving.

"Ziyra..." she said as he turned to face her, "yes Dria..." he said, "Is it who I think it is?" She asked suddenly forgetting about the prank for now and feeling excited.

"Who is it?" The other five asked confused as hell about what was happening. Blaise, Draco, Cassiopeia, and Regulus all got up and sat near Aziyraphaile's bed to listen more closely and suddenly excited as well.

"Yes." Aziyraphaile said with a smirk that made Alexandria squeal, "holy shit, holy shitttt." "you know some of us want answers as well," Regulus said impatiently. "He saw you-know-who?" she said hoping they'll get it. And the six being the idiots they are took a second before realizing what she meant.

"Bullshit." They all said looking at Aziyraphaile who was still smirking, "holy shit are you for real right now?" Cassiopeia asked her brother, "yessss" he said laughing at their wide eyes.

"Ho...ly...shit." They said together, "Wow I'm shocked you guys managed to say that in sync." Aziyraphaile said honestly. "Shut up, did he use the torture curse on you, did he hurt you or something?" Blaise asked looking at him trying to see if he had any cuts or bruises.

"Ughh no he didn't hurt me," Aziyraphaile said rolling his eyes, the four looked at him confused except for Alexandria who knew exactly why he didn't care that the dark lord was there.

"We just talked and enjoyed the trees it was peaceful." The four exchanged looks.

"Peaceful?" Regulus asked.

"Yes." Aziyraphaile rolled his eyes.

"The dark lord?" Draco asked.

"Yes." He responded again.

"he was enjoying the trees?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Yes." Aziyraphaile started to lose his patients.

"With you?" Celeste asked this time.

"For the love of darkness yes, he was enjoying the trees and was peaceful why so many questions!." He said waving his arms around. "Why so dramatic?" They all responded to him,

"You're all one to talk, all seven of us are dramatic and it's not just me beside you six are way more dramatic than me." He said while sticking up the middle finger at all of them.

"Whatever don't change the subject." Blaise said, "You guys were the ones who changed the subject, not me." He said crossing his arms. "Ziyra!" They yelled. "Fine fine don't get your knickers in a twist." He said.

"I'm honestly shocked none of you are freaking out about this," he said before going back to what he was saying.

"As I was saying before you all so rudely interrupted with your stupid questions, we chatted for a while enjoying the other's company." He finished with a scoff, "Never thought I'd hear that the dark lord, the most feared wizard in Britain was just chatting with Aziyraphaile Lestrange." Celeste said making him glare at her.

"Fuck off," he said laying down next to Alexandria, the silence was broken with Cassiopeia and Regulus laughing, "Why did our parents name you Lucifer?" The twins asked suddenly.

"Because you demon twins they thought I was him." He said sarcastically, "No but honestly why did they?" Blaise asked genuinely, "I don't even know I never asked." He said not knowing why his parents chose to make his middle name something evil, he was far from the little red man who was burning people in a pit of fire.

"This has been a long day let's go to sleep I'm tired," Draco said as he laid in his bed, everyone was waiting for somebody to mention the tiredness that they all felt but didn't mention, "Goodnight." They all said.

Alexandria was in Aziyraphaile's bed with him trying to kick her off which earned him a kick in the stomach so he let her be. Cassiopeia was in Regulus's bed, Celeste was in Draco's bed the only one who slept alone was Blaise much to everyone's complaining.

"I hate you, Blaise!" The three boys shouted at him "You love me!" He shouted back before they all fell asleep.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntWhere stories live. Discover now