12| Umbridge

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"Good evening children, now we have two changes in staffing this year, we're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank... who will be taking care of Magical Creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave." Dumbledore announced making everyone go quiet.

The group of seven saw snape clap three times making them laugh, "seriously," Aziyraphaile said trying to hold in his laugh. Dumbledore continued with his speech giving him a small smile.

"We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher... Professor Delores Umbride." "More like umbitch," Cassiopeia said to the other six who nodded trying to stifle their laughs.

"And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you-" Umbridge interrupted with a squeaky laugh, "What the fuck." The seven said in sync.

Dumbledore stopped for a second before slowly turning to Umbridge who stood up. "Why did she stand up like that?" Regulus said Laughing into Celeste's shoulder who was sitting next to him also laughing. "Reggie stop it you're going to make me wet myself." She said with her hand on her mouth hoping to stifle the laugh, Making all the Slytherins put their hands on their mouths as well, to not laugh.

"Thank you, headmaster. For those kind words of welcome." She said as she walked in front of Dumbledore, who tilted his head making a few other people snicker quietly. "And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me." No one was smiling, but the Slytherins were only smiling because they were trying not to laugh making their faces red.

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." "That's likely." Said Fred and George Weasley, making Umbridge look at them, while at the Slytherin Table... "Friends my ass I want to stick a knife in my ear with her damn voice," Aziyraphaile said making some Slytherins bang their heads on the table and cover their mouths with both hands. A few people from other houses looked at them but they didn't care, they were practically dying trying not to laugh at Aziyraphaile's previous statement.

"The Ministry Of Magic has always considered, the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school..." She said looking at Dumbledore who bowed his head with a fake smile, and when she turned away he stopped.

"... progress for the state of progress must be discouraged, let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prove prune practices that ought to be prohibited." She laughed walking back to her seat next to Snape. "I feel bad for Snape but at the same time let him suffer for not letting me hit Potter," Aziyraphaile said, this time no one held in their laughs, they burst into loud laughter causing everyone in the hall to look at them.

It took the Slytherins a few minutes to stop laughing but some were still giggling. "Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That was most illuminating." Dumbledore continued after the Slytherin stopped laughing though he too laughed a bit when he heard them laughing. After Dumbledore's speech and everyone was finished eating, the group of six went to the black lake with their feet in the water just talking.

Aziyraphaile wasn't with them he instead went to his room and pulled out the parchment the dark lord told his mother to give him. He didn't know what to write but he thought what the hell why not. He pulled out a quill and a bottle of ink and wrote, The ministry is interfering with Hogwarts, there is a new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher Dolores Umbridge who is part of the ministry. I thought you should know my lord, As he finished writing the ink disappeared making him crease his eyebrows in confusion.

Voldemort was sitting on a chair in front of his desk when he saw the parchment that he had connected to the one Aziyraphaile Lestrange was supposed to have snapped open. When he grabbed the parchment he saw words being spelled out making him grab a quill that was on the side of his desk and ink, waiting to see what the boy said. The ministry is interfering with Hogwarts, there is a new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher Dolores Umbridge who is part of the ministry. I thought you should know my lord. Is what he wrote he slightly smiled, so that's what the ministry was planning, He thought before writing back.

The confusion Aziyraphaile felt soon turned to understand as letters began to appear, Thank you for telling me Aziyraphaile. Let me know if there are any more changes in Hogwarts and let me know if you find out anything about Potter and Dumbledore, The parchment said. You're welcome my lord, and I will let you know about any changes and let you know anything about Potter and Dumbledore when I find something out, He wrote before he heard a knock on the door making him immediately stand up and hide the parchment under his bed.

He walked to the door opening it to see the idiot who disturbed him. When he looked down he saw a kid who looked like a first year, and he was stuttering it was a bit he'd to understand. "Yes." He said making the boy flinch and his deep voice. "I-I-I was-was t-told b-by p-professor d-Dumbledore to come get y-you, He said he likes l-lemon d-drops." The boy said in a low tone "Stop stuttering." He demanded, making the boy nod quickly before running away. Aziyraphaile rolled his eyes and took off the school cloak he didn't like wearing it that much so he never really did.

He made sure to put the parchment in his trunk under his books so no one could find it and got out of his room, making sure to lock it and heading towards Dumbledore's office.

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