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Aziyraphaile's POV

I sat against the cold wall with my knees up and my hands on my legs as I held the now-bloody metal pipe, I say there for twenty minutes staring at the door in front of me as the man's head was smashed in next to me.

His blood was on my hands and face, I closed my eyes for a moment and spit out his skin that I didn't know was still in my mouth, I heard an alarm go off, a loud and annoying alarm. Ah yes, this had to be her plan, wait twenty minutes after the man killed me before sounding the alarm.

For an Auror, she wasn't very smart, I heard shouts and banging on the door as they called out the man's name, they told him to drop the weapon but they never called my name, I'm guessing I was right, I always am.

"No Marcus white here!" I called and everything went silent, I began whistling and the guards tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge, They were the ones who placed magical binds on the door so why couldn't they open it?

The door shot open and it banged against the wall as the guards pointed their wands at me, they all glanced at the man who was layed face up next to me but his head was smashed in leaving only his brains to scatter across the floor and a pool of blood on us both.

I kept my eyes on the woman who gave the man, Marcus, the pipe and I lifted it and began to move it side to side to say hello, I kept her eye and didn't look away even as two of the guards left the room and began puking, "thought I was dead did you?" I said and the guards kept telling me to drop the pipe.

I rolled my eyes and tossed it to the side, listening as it banged across the ground before hitting a wall, "one day in and you're already murdering prisoners," she said to try and cover up the fact that she was the one who tried to get me killed.

"Self-defence... ever heard of it?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, my vision turned slightly red as blood entered my eye but I didn't look away from her, I want the bitch dead.

The guards came up to me and forced me to stand, they pulled my hands straight and placed magical chains on my wrists and neck before dragging me out of the cell, "I'm not a dog," I said when one of them tried to put a mask on my mouth, "I'm a wizard, not an animal."

The guard flinched and looked behind me before he stepped away and put the mask behind his back. "Lestrange!" I heard many others as they banged on their cells, shouting both praises and insults though when I looked at the ones who uttered rude words, they looked away, backing up into their cells as I passed. "Aziyraphaile!" they continued, "shut up," none of them listened to the Aurors and guards as they screamed and cheered louder.

"We wanted to execute you for your crimes but then the Britain minister showed up and demanded that we hand you him, we're not letting you go without a fight," she said and I gave her a fake smile.

"Britain is under the control of a dark wizard named Voldemort," I said and she narrowed her eyes, "that's why we're not letting you go," she said and pushed me forward to walk faster, "there's a new minister in Britain and they want you in there prison instead of ours but I'll do anything to make sure you stay here."

If I could tear these chains off and strangle this woman, I would do it in a heartbeat.


"He's in our state, he's our prisoner," the annoying woman told the minister of Britain as she stood up from her seat, she didn't even bother to let me wash away the blood all over me, she dragged me inside of the large room and shoved me in a seat.

"He's our citizen," the minister Thicknesse said and stood up as well, the two began to go back and forth on who would get the grand prize to have me in their prison to torture, "home... a place that is unknown," I sang and gained the attention of everyone in the room.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntWhere stories live. Discover now