50| Diner Invitation

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"What are you doing?" Marvolo asked Aziyraphaile noticing that he was quite literally jumping on the bed, on his knees, with a grin, his head tilted to the side, and a rose with thorns in his hands that he held up to his chest.

"I picked this for you, it has a lot of thorns... I pricked myself on them." Aziyraphaile pouted as he showed Marvolo his index and thumb which were red, the blood was gone but the redness stayed.

Marvolo didn't know what to say for a moment. He knew that Aziyraphaile changed his personality quite often, one moment he was the scariest person to have roamed the earth and the next he was the sweetest boy he had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

He loved it when he brought out his gentle and innocent side even if it lasted for a moment, he loved every part of his different personalities but sometimes he wished that he could stick with one personality, that was only something he sometimes wished. He didn't care if he couldn't be sane because he loved him either way.

Because of Aziyraphaile's love for roses, it had become Marvolo's love for the red flower as well, he didn't like flowers but seeing Aziyraphaile's face when he saw a rose made him change his mind.

Of course, the only flowers he likes are roses, single ones to be exact since Aziyraphaile always gave him one, It was always the most beautiful one.

"It's beautiful Ziyra... I love it," Marvolo smiled, he sat up, and carefully grabbed the rose that Aziyraphaile was holding out for him, "you do?" He asked with a cheery smile, "Yes, I do love you more though." Marvolo teased with a smile that mimicked his.

Aziyraphaile leaned towards him, kissed him, and gently stroked his face before pulling away, "I love you more." He moved some of Marvolo's hair out of his face so he could admire his eyes, 'not possible.' Marvolo thought as he stared into his beautiful emerald eyes that he wished he could stare into forever.

"Why are you up so early, my love?" Marvolo asked changing the subject, he placed the rose in a vase near his bedside desk. "I wanted to have a family reunion, I also want you to help and be there." He said as he grabbed his hands and got him off of the bed.

"Family reunion? With the blood traitors and half-blood?" Marvolo asked as they were leaving the bedroom, "Exactly, I want them to join us, and I want to meet them... formally of course. The last time I met Tonks I almost killed her, and with Sirius, it was when I saved his ass from dying and when I killed Potter in the department of mysteries." Aziyraphaile began to swing their arms back and forth.

"I'll do it, for you of course," Marvolo said genuinely receiving a slight glare from Salazar but he stuck his tongue out at him, much to Salazar's annoyance.

"You would." Aziyraphaile grasped each side of his face in his cold hands, "you want this?" Marvolo asked, Aziyraphaile nodded. "Then that's all the convincing I need." Marvolo smiled, his grandmother had a smile on her face as she watched them silently.

Aziyraphaile kissed him and smiled into the kiss, he pulled away but gave Marvolo another peck on the lips. "I can't live without you and your beautiful eyes," Aziyraphaile said with a small laugh and began to walk towards the dining room waiting for Marvolo to follow.

"I can't live without you either." He whispered.

"Come on, I'm hungrYyY." Aziyraphaile whined, as he stomped his foot on the ground as if he were a child, "You're always hungry, love." Marvolo shook his head and walked towards him. "So what." Aziyraphaile grabbed his hand and dragged a laughing Marvolo with him.


"He wants a family reunion.. are you fucking kidding me?!" Bellatrix shouted as she had received a letter from her son and the dark lord stating that she was required to join a diner invitation in a week she wasn't the only one who had gotten one.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽| OC x Tom Marvolo GauntTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon