90| The ghost of you

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Rosalind stared at the boy in front of her with mixed emotions, on one hand, the boy was beyond medical understanding and on another... He was just a boy who had gone a bit mad over the years, something that the entire wizarding world saw but didn't try to intervene until it was too late and then they called him names and made up stories about him that sprung across the wizarding world.

Many of the stories were completely false and many were true, but they made him out to be a ruthless monster that all anyone could see was someone who was far more heartless than Voldemort, when in reality he was just a boy who was helped too late to the point where he no longer wanted the help and cursed anyone who tried.

"You kidnapped me," Rosalind muttered as she looked down at the chains that tied her to the chair, she looked up at the boy and he tilted his head at her with a pout as he narrowed his eyes, she could feel the push in her head telling her that he was trying to enter it. She couldn't fight it off and he eventually entered her mind.

Aziyraphaile leaned back and crossed his arms as he stared at the middle-aged woman in front of him, "I suppose I did," he whispered, he completely forgot why he kidnapped her in the first place, he tilted his head as he stayed silent trying to remember why he brought her with him, but he couldn't remember why and it annoyed him.

Before a thought came to his mind, "You're a healer... right?" Aziyraphaile suddenly asked, breaking the silent atmosphere in the room. Rosalind nodded her head and Aziyraphaile leaned closer towards her again, "then heal," he urged and waved his hand, removing the chains that tied her to the chair.

Rosalind looked down at her body, the feeling of not being chained up was amazing but then it brought her attention back to the boy who urged her to heal something that she couldn't understand, "heal what?" She asked and Aziyraphaile's hand went up to grip his hair as he tugged softly at the soft locks.

"Me... you're a healer so start healing," he said and placed her wand on the table, it was stupid to give the person you kidnapped a wand but he wanted everything to go back to what it was, he wanted to not feel anymore, if that makes sense. "It's not that simple," Rosalind looked down at her and that laid on the table, she felt the pull of its magic but chose not to touch it, she couldn't just trust that he wouldn't kill her if she picked it up.

There are many kinds of things that a healer can do, some heal wounds, some heal memories and some heal people's emotional scars. Rosalind was the healer who healed memories and their emotional scars but it shocked her how someone like Aziyraphaile, a dark wizard, would want to be healed even when he didn't know what he wanted healing from.

"Yes, it is, I don't like repeating myself so just start healing," he urged again and raised his voice, Rosalind flinched and when she went to grab her wand, Aziyraphaile took it in his hands, "How do you expect me to help you if I don't have a wand?" she asked and Aziyraphaile shrugged thinking she could figure it out herself, he wasn't an idiot, he wasn't going to give his prisoner a wand.

"I guess I'll do this the muggle way... what's your name?" Rosalind asked, she knew his name of course, everyone knew his name but would it be so far-fetched that he had forgotten his own name as he began tormenting every existence on the planet and began a war that was now affecting more than just Britain?

"You already know it," Aziyraphaile said and clenched his jaw as he dropped his hand from his hair, "but do you know it?" Rosalind asked, it was stupid to say that to a dark wizard that was holding her captive and she couldn't help but suck in a deep breath as his eyes shot to hers in a matter of seconds. "Aziyraphaile Lucifer Lestrange," he spat and she cleared her throat.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at him, "Lucifer? Your name is Lucifer?" she asked as she sat straighter in her seat. Aziyraphaile nodded his head, he hated the name, to him it was embarrassing to utter the name. "Middle... but yes," he confirmed. Rosalind may be pushing her luck but if she knew that when this was over she was going to die so why not be bold? Even if it scared her beyond anything.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang