87| O Children

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Aziyraphaile's POV

I do not think I've ever remembered it being this quiet, it was so... Silent. Not a single sound besides the water, it felt so different, so very different that I barely even knew how to explain it.

There was always music playing, no matter where I was music would always be playing whether it be loud or low you could always hear the sound of someone singing. I never cared for music all that much if I'm being honest, Alexandria was the one who forced me to listen to a song.

I found it interesting, I liked the melody, I liked the background instruments and the voice. She played me her favourite song a month ago, It was called O Children, it was a muggle song but I brushed over the fact because of how much she loved it. She played it constantly and would always drag me to dance with her whenever it was on.

I closed my eyes as I sunk into the water feeling it cover my lower body, the water was freezing but it was comforting.

"Dance with me," Alexandria took my book from my hand and stuck out her hand, I tried snatching my book from her hand but she moved it out of my reach, I could easily stand and tower over her but I only crossed my arms.

"Only if you change the song... you've had it on repeat for days," Alexandria gasped and placed a hand on her chest looking mortified as if I had said something monstrous, "it's my favourite song and one day you'll be thanking me and playing it for your children," she pointed her finger at me.

I couldn't help but laugh, I would never play this song for my child if I were to have one, it would remind me of Alexandria and her torturous music as it played for days on end, "Please? My favourite part is about to come on," she begged as she stuck her bottom lip out and over her upper one in a pout.

I shook my head and looked away as she stuck out her other hand, I sighed when I knew she wouldn't leave me alone until I got up and danced with her, I slowly turned my head towards her and hesitantly stuck out both of my hands to grasp into her own. She smiled widely and pulled me up, walking backwards as she dragged me with her.

"Poor old Jim's white as a ghost, he's found the answer that we lost, we're all weeping now, weeping because there ain't nothing we can do to protect you," Alexandria sang along to the song as she started to move our bodies forward then back and then again.

"Don't be so stiff," she hissed and slapped my shoulder, I placed my hand on her waist and started moving along to the rhythm, I smiled when she started moving her hips in a weird movement that made her look like a terrible dancer.

Oh children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice, children, rejoice, rejoice.

"Hey little train, we're jumping on... the train that goes to the kingdom we're happy, Ma, we're having fun the train ain't even left the station," we sang together, I couldn't help it, it's catchy and when you've been listening to it for days it's hard to get the lyrics out of your mind no matter how full it is.

I twirled her around and she tried to do the same thing to me but with my height it was difficult, I had to bend my legs to get under her arm, I hit my head on her forearm and slightly winced when it scrapped a wound on my head but I didn't care.

"Hey little train, wait for me I once was blind but now I see, have you left a seat for me? Is that such a stretch of the imagination?" I moved my head back and tilted my head from side to side as we spun around, laughing and nearly tripping over our feet.

She had gotten into the song and without thinking she spun me like I would have spun a woman during a ball, I laughed when she pulled me back towards her and wrapped her arms around my waist, such an idiot.

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