33| First Time

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The two stayed like that for two hours Aziyraphaile managed to stop crying and just focus on his breathing, "this is embarrassing." Aziyraphaile broke the silence while laughing he knew the situation wasn't anything to laugh about but it was his coping mechanism to deal with everything

"You're sad Ziyra I may not know what that feels like but it isn't embarrassing," Marvolo reassured him as Aziyraphaile pulled away from him to stand up and he did the same.

Aziyraphaile looked around the room the walls were all black with a big green snake on the ceiling while there was emerald lighting around the rest of the ceiling, Aziyraphaile admired the ceiling and the beautiful painting.

"Did you paint that?" Aziyraphaile suddenly asked Marvolo while pointing at the ceiling he did not look away from it as he asked Marvolo that question.

Marvolo however watched as he admired his ceiling with a sparkle in his eyes like he was mesmerized by it, he didn't take his eyes off of him and was broke out of the trance by the boy asking a question.

"Yes... I painted that, I didn't want to use magic because then it would not have felt as special as painting it by hand." Marvolo told him as he didn't look at the ceiling and kept his eyes on him.

Aziyraphaile finally looked away from the beautiful painting above and instead turned his attention towards Marvolo who seemed pleased to have his eyes on him.

"Do you like painting?" He found himself asking another question, "Yes I do, I find it fascinating, I often draw out my experiences and the things I like, it calms me," Marvolo replied honestly. "Is it the only thing that calms you?" He asked again.

Marvolo took longer to reply this time, yes painting calms him it always had ever since he was a child but recently he found that two things calmed him, whenever he saw the color emerald he would immediately calm down and forget why he was upset the first place, when he often saw the emerald eyes of Aziyraphaile he calmed down, Aziyraphaile was the main thing that could calm him even though he loved painting he also found that Aziyraphaile could calm him more.

That's why he drew the snake he knew that Aziyraphaile had a pet snake and was fascinated with them, he drew the emerald lightning around his ceiling for whenever he had an outburst he could look up and see the very color in Aziyraphaile's eyes, and calm down immediately upon seeing it.

"No, it's not." He found himself saying after a while thinking he just didn't want to say the other thing that could calm him. Aziyraphaile nodded knowing not to ask what the other thing was since he felt that Marvolo didn't want to say what it was.

"Alright... then why'd you bring me up to your room I'm guessing it's yours?" Aziyraphaile smirked as he came upon a pair of green fluffy handcuffs, he never thought he would see such a thing in the dark lord's room and he just hoped that he wasn't doing anything with anyone else.

Aziyraphaile picked up the handcuffs with his index finger and turned around to face Marvolo who was looking at his ceilings, he cleared his throat and Marvolo looked at him straight away.

Marvolo looked at Aziyraphaile with a smile when he heard him clear his throat to get his attention but that smile turned into shock and horror as he saw a pair of green handcuffs dangling from Aziyraphaile's index finger.

"Marvolo darling I didn't know you were the kinky type." He mocked him while clicking his tongue in amusement, Marvolo felt his face heat up at the name Aziyraphaile called him, he discreetly clenched his thighs together when he noticed the mocking and low tone Aziyraphaile's voice was in.

"I'm not." Marvolo said once he got control over his body again, "Really because it looks to me that you like being tied up with... green fluffy handcuffs." Aziyraphaile started to walk towards Marvolo whose eyes widened.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntWhere stories live. Discover now