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Aziyraphaile flew over Britain not caring if Muggles spotted him anymore, he flew over them and watched the gasps and horrid screams as they watched as a giant dragon flew over their heads with a man on its back holding onto its spikes, they saw the dragon blow out the fire and burned their homes.

The muggles ran when the dragon aimed the fire towards them as its eyes were glued to their small figures, Aziyraphaile spotted as wizards and witches started to appear and they shot spells from their wands hitting Alleia and tried hitting him, "kill them," he whispered and though he spoke low his voice mixed with the wind and Alleia obeyed his command.

Aziyraphaile used her spikes to turn her direction towards the wizards instead, Alleia didn't care who died as long as she kept Aziyraphaile safe and on her back. The wizards and witches casted protective spells but the fire broke through them, the fear on their faces was as clear as the night.

Aziyraphaile watched as Alleia burned them before she took off and flew towards Lestrange Manor.


"He killed my brother!" Rodolphus shouted, three weeks ago he went to Diagon Alley and saw his brother his brother's wife and their unborn child hanging from a building with ropes around their necks, he took them off of the building and held his brother in his arms while he cried and wanted to know who killed him, that was until someone nearby spoke and said that Aziyrapahile had hung their bodies there and he laughed and mocked them.

He didn't want to believe that his son had killed his brother and he tried to tell people that they were mistaken and his son wouldn't have killed his uncle. Until Celeste mentioned that Rodolphus was the one who killed Alexandria and Aziyraphaile wanted revenge for it, Celeste only wished that she had been there when Aziyraphaile killed Rabastan.

"He killed Alexandria, you think Aziyraphaile was going to let that slide? Rabastan had it coming!" Regulus defended his brother even if Aziyrapahile wanted him dead as well, Harry kept his hand intertwined with Regulus's to offer him some sort of comfort and support.

It was a common argument in the manor on who was to blame during all of this, Rodolphus blamed his son for wanting a war and when Alexandria died in it he chose to kill Rabastan and his family. The reason why Aziyraphaile wanted a war was unknown to everyone but after what happened on that field, it only made Aziyraphaile want the war more than ever and no one could stop it from coming.

"Watch your mouth Regulus," Rodoplus had enough of them trying to protect Aziyraphaile as if he wasn't trying to set them all on fire a while ago, he couldn't understand the need for them to protect him knowing that he didn't care about anyone anymore. "You're going to kill him? He's your son," Regulus stepped away from his father not wanting to be anywhere near him.

Rodolphus shook his head as he put his head in his hands. Aziyraphaile was his eldest son and he tried to have a relationship with him but it was never going to work, his son was far too gone and he was just someone who was living in his body, he didn't believe that Aziyraphaile was his son anymore, he was just someone who looked like him.

"No, he's not, not anymore," he said and Bellatrix walked up to him and slapped the back of his head for saying something like that, she may not have spoken with Aziyraphaile ever since, well before the wedding when he had lost his temper. He would always be her son no matter what horrid crimes he had committed because in many ways he was a carbon copy of both of his parents even though he was actually worse than them both.

"The dark lord would kill you before you could even get close to Aziyraphaile," Bellatrix stated, they all knew she was right. They knew that despite Aziyraphaile's murderous intentions towards the dark lord, the dark lord wouldn't be able to kill him and if anyone were to try to kill Aziyraphaile, the dark lord would destroy them.

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖬𝖾𝗍 𝖱𝖾𝖽 | Tom Marvolo GauntTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon